The future

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Four years later

Naruko's pov

Me and Sasuke have been dating for five years now and has yet to see what the inside of my sketch book looks like. He tries to see it all the time but I never let him.

Anyway today is my birthday and I'm turning twenty. Sasuke is already twenty considering the fact that he is older than me by a few months.

Sasuke is taking me out to celebrate. I don't know where yet. He wants it to be surprise.

He is leading the way but he abruptly stopped causing me to bump into him. I stumble a bit but he catches me before I can fall.

"Sorry. Can you turn around from me really quickly?"

"Um, sure."

I turn around from him and he puts a blindfold on me.

"I can't have you ruining the suprise."

He lifts me onto his back and starts walking.

"You know, you're really light for a twenty year old."

"Is that a compliment, or were you just pointing out the obvious? I am shorter than the average twenty year old. Were you expecting me to be as heavy as Sakura, cause if you were I am very offended."

He chuckles at me and my response.

"Your cute. And I like that your so small and light."

I am really small compared to Sasuke he basically towers over me.

I stay quiet and relax. I rest my head on his back and relax my arms so they just dangle on his shoulders.

After what seems like forever he stops walking and gently places me on the ground. He takes the blindfold off of me and I gasp at the beautiful view.

We are on the mountain that the faces of the hokages are carved into. We overlook the village and have the perfect view of the sunset.

"This is so beautiful."

"But not as beautiful as you."

I give off a small laugh.

"You are so cheesy sometimes."

"I know. I chose this place because of the view. And at nights when the lights are on the village looks absolutely stunning."

I turn around and look at him. I see that he has a blanket laid out with food and candles on it.

"I hope you like it l. I wanted it to be simple instead of a party like last year."

"I love it. I think it is absolutely beautiful."

We sit down on the blanket and just watch the sunset while we eat.

When the sun did set the village looked stunning.

"This is absolutely beautiful."

"It gets better."


"Just wait."

I wait like he said to.


Fireworks start going off in the sky. I stand up and walk to the railing looking at the beautiful colors.

One big one explodes and spells out "Happy birthday Naruko!"

Another big one explodes and spells out "We love you!"

One more explodes and spells out "Turn around."

That one is weird, but I do do as it says.

When I turn around I see Sasuke behind me on one knee.

"Naruko Uzumaki I have known you most of my life and would like to the know you for the rest of my life. You are the most beautiful, talented, kind hearted, and amazing girl I have ever met. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Naruko Uzumaki will you marry me?"

Tears form in my eyes and I am about to start crying. I can't talk because I know if I do it will come out as a weird sound, so I just nod my head.

He puts the ring on my finger, stands up, and gives me a passionate kiss.

The only reason we pulled apart was because we needed air.

He placed his forehead on mine and closed his eyes.

"I love you, Naruko. And nothing will change that ever. "

"I love you too Sasuke, and nothing will ever change that."

We went back home hand in hand.

I'm gonna marry the man of my dreams!



What do you think. I know it's short but I wasn't in the mood to do like a long chapter.

Anyway let me know what you think and make sure to vote.

Bye ^-^

A Naruko and Sasuke love storyWhere stories live. Discover now