The drawing

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The next morning

Naruko's pov

This morning I woke and forgot where I was for a second. When I remembered where I was I look to my left, Sasuke's side, and see he's not there.

I walk to the kitchen and find him standing by the stove.

"*yawn*Good morning, teme." I rub the sleep from my eyes.

He looks at me and chuckles.

"You know sometimes you look like a little kid. I mean the way you're rubbing your eyes and your pajamas. "

"Oh shut up. Well sometimes you look like an old man. Based on the way you act and the way you talk. If I was blind I'd think you were 100 years old."

He ignored me and went back to what he was doing.

He set a plate in front of me and sat across from. People who didn't know us would have thought we were a married couple because of the friendship that we have.

"So, Naruko what are you planning to do today?"

"I was going to see if Sakura had anything today. If she didn't I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go shopping."

"Are all girls obsessed with shopping?"

"The only reason I need to go is because the only clothes I have are in my bag and I'm pretty sure I couldn't survive on that little bit of clothes forever."

We ate the rest of breakfast in silence. When we were both done I picked up the dishes and washed them. I went to my room and got changed. I called Sakura and she agreed to go shopping with me. She just needed to change clothes.

Five minutes later

Sakura knocked on the door. I got my shoes on and left with her.

At the mall

"Come on lets got to this store, Naruko."


She dragged me into rue 21. Instantly my eyes fell on the prettiest dress I've ever seen. I of course decided to buy it. When I looked at Sakura her arms were already full of clothes.

"Here hold this."

"Sakura why am I holding your clothes?"

"They're not for me. They're for you. I think that all of the outfits would be perfect for you."

I skim over the pile in my arms. She's right I like all of them. When I turn my attention back to her she hands me another pile of clothes. So the bundle in my arms has doubled in size. I try to maintain my balance, so I don't fall over and get suffocated under all the clothes in my arms.

I look around the pile at Sakura and see she has a pile of clothes the same size as mine in her arms. (Just so you can imagine the clothes pile is about the same height as Naruko)

"Come on Naruko. Time to check out."

We reach the register and I immediately feel bad for the cashier. She turns her sign off so no one else will come over here. It takes her about thirty minutes to get all the clothes scanned and bagged. She had to get more bags twice.  When she's finished scanning she gives us our total. I pull out my wallet but before I get out the money Sakura has already paid.

"I pay for your clothes you pay for lunch."


"No 'buts' I want this to be your welcome home present, and I have a lot of money saved up and and I want to spend at least a quarter of it today."

A Naruko and Sasuke love storyWhere stories live. Discover now