The wedding

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3 months later

Naruko's pov

I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow. The time seems to fly by when your planning it and once you finish it seems like the wedding is a week away.

Right now I'm sitting in the bed room waiting for the guys to come pick up Sasuke, who is sitting in the living room.

Sakura is in here with me and she is driving me crazy. I mean I can't even complete a whole thought without her interrupti-

"Naruko! Are you even listening to me?"

I looked over at her and she was fuming. If it was possible for steam to come out of her ears it would be coming out in clouds.

I just shake my head no and her face turns red.

"I've been talking to you for half an hour and you weren't paying attention?! What am I gonna do with you?"

Jeez. She's acting like this is her wedding.

My stomach rumbles and she looks at me.

"Can you quiet that thing down."

"Can you go get me ramen?"

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Hello I'm the bride. And Sasuke can't see me for the next twenty four hours. Plus you are the maid of honor and the only other person in the room."

She rolls her eyes and walks out the room.

I grab my sketchbook and draw a picture of a rose and three hearts.
This helps calm me down a little bit.

Sakura comes back in the room just as I finish my drawing.

"Now we have to discuss what's gonna happen tomorrow.


The next day

I woke up to five faces looking at me.

"Wakey wakey bride. It's your wedding day."

I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

It's my wedding day?

It's my wedding day.

It's my wedding day!

I shoot up like a rocket and get out of bed.

When I look at the clock and see the clock I freak out.

I told Sakura to wake me up an hour earlier.

"Why didn't you wake me up at the time I told you to?"

"We tried to but your grumpy butt just rolled over and went back to sleep."


I run to the bathroom and hop in the shower. I wash my hair and get nice and clean. When I'm done I put on my robe and wrap a towel around my hair. I brush my teeth and wash my face before walking out of the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom and go to my dresser to get my under wear and a strapless bra.

After I get these on I put my robe back on and sit down in a chair so Ino can do my hair and make up.

I decided that I would blow dry my hair instead of towel drying it like usual.

Ino blow drys it and combs it out. It falls on my shoulders and it is very light.

"Is it okay if I trim your ends. You have a couple split ends that I wanna cut."

I nod my head and she grabs a small pair of scissors and starts cutting. She trims off about an inch, but my hair is so long nobody will notice it that much.

A Naruko and Sasuke love storyWhere stories live. Discover now