Chapter 14: Arguments

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Mikasa's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm chiming a melody to signal me to wake up. I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't since I had to get ready for college.

I got up, took one of my uniforms from the closet next to my bed and placed them down on the table.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and wore my clothes. Once I was done getting ready I went downstairs to greet my 'parents' and eat the breakfast that was prepared for me.

"Good morning honey" My 'mom' greeted me placing my breakfast on the table infront of me.

"Good morning" I said turning to my mom.

"Where's 'dad'?" I asked wondering why he wasn't here.

"He has a day off today so he decided to sleep in for a while." My 'mom' answered grabbing a glass of water.

I finished my breakfast shortly after and started to head out the door.

"I'm gonna go now bye mom" I waved walking outside

"Bye honey, take care!" My 'mom' answered closing the door behind me.

I started walking to school thinking about Eren 2. I wonder if he'll act rude to me and Eren 1 again like yesterday. I hope not though. But atleast tomorrow is Friday, meaning I could hang out with Armin and Eren 1.

I reached the school and walked inside. I took my textbooks that were needed for the first subject from my locker and head to class closing my locker.

I walked inside and sat down on one of the empty seats near the door. I was waiting for the bell to ring so we could start the class so I pulled out my phone to check the time.

*Bell rings*

The bell rang and a few extra people sat down.

"Alright class let's get our lesson started." Our Math teacher said pointing to the page number written on the board.

"Go to page 301, we will be learning the new chapter in our book." Our teacher added while I turned the pages till I got to page 301.

While our math teacher was teaching our new lesson my mind started drifting off into space. (Not literally)

I was thinking about yesterday and that encounter with Eren 2. I was really confused on why he acted that way towards us.


I wonder if he will do that again..

"Mikasa!" Our math teacher said snapping me back to reality

"Uh yes?" I said a bit embarrassed while I hear a few giggles from the back.

"Could you please answer number 1 on the page 302 letter A?" My math teacher said

"Uh sure.. it's.." I started trying to calculate the equation given to me.

If 150 x N = 750 is equal to --------- what does the N stand for?

This was pretty easy so it didn't take long for me to answer.

"The answer is 5." I answered diverting my attention to the teacher.

"Good job Ackerman" Our math teacher said.

"Hm Jean? Can you answer number 2?" Our teacher said looking at the boy in the back.

"Sure, the answer is 22" The male confidently answered.

"Where did you get that answer?" Our teacher asked with a confused face.

The boy started writing his solution on the board behind our math teacher.

"Oh, I guess my calculation was wrong. Sorry about that, you may take your seat" Our teacher apologized erasing the solution on the board.

*Bell rings*

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow!" The math teacher cheerfully said as the other students and I head out the door to go to our next class.

Time skip to after school c:

I start to head out the door to meet up with Armin and Eren 1 until I bump into someone.

"Sorry." A man apologized.

"It's alright I-" I said

"YOU" He said cutting me off with and angry expression on his face

"What?" I asked looking at him. Oh.. it was him..

"Watch where you're going. You always bump into me, are you targeting me or something?" He said with a still angry face on

"What's your problem? Why are you mean to me? You just said sorry a while ago and when you saw me you start being rude" I said annoyed with his reaction to seeing me.

"Stop getting in my way then." He said walking away from me with his hands in his pocket.

What is Eren 2's problem. Sheesh 🙄

I walked outside hoping I wouldn't bump into him again. But ofcourse, the universe is against me.

"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS BUMPING INTO ME?" Eren 2 shouted looking like he's ready to punch me.

I ignored him this time trying to avoid possible drama and keep walking until he grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of my wrist" I said getting ready to punch him in the face if he didn't let go.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I got really mad and tried punching him. He was able to dodge my attack and pin me against the wall.

"Listen, I wouldn't usually fight a girl but you make me want to" he said tightening his grip on me.

I pushed him back and tried to make him lose balance but it didn't work. I decided to try not to make the argument worse so I left.

"Don't try to talk to me again." I said walking away getting ready to dodge a hit if ever he tried to make a move.

"Tsk" Eren 2 said as he walked to the parking lot to drive back home in his car.

I went to our meeting spot and saw Eren 1 waiting. Well atleast he's nice to me I thought as I walked over to him.

"Hey Mikasa!"

"Oh hey Eren.. where's Armin? He's usually here first" I said looking around to see if the blonde was around the entrance of the school

"Oh he said he was gonna go home early since he didn't feel well." Eren 1 said

"I need to go home early as well today but I just wanted to greet you before I go" He said hugging me.

I started to blush as he pulled away from the hug and started to walk away.

"Bye Mikasa! See you tomorrow!" He called walking away.

Since they were heading home, I didn't have a reason to stay any longer so I started walking to my neighborhood. I was thinking of dropping by to Armin's house since his was near mine but then someone grabbed my wrist

"Give me your wallet!" A man in a black hoodie said holding a knife. I was gonna hit him with my free hand but before I was able to Eren 2 ran over and hit the man causing him to fall over.

He turned around and started swinging at Eren 2 with his knife but he kept on dodging each attack. Eren 2 was able to get a few hits on the robber making him weak enough for Eren 2 to knock him unconscious.

"Thanks but I could've handled him myself you know" I thanked him but I tried to sound nonchalant so he wouldn't suspect me being happy that he saved me.

"Yea whatever. You're lucky I was parked over there so I could get a drink. I could've left you here to die for all I care" Eren 2 said starting to walk back to his car.

That arrogant little piece of-

"Tsk, be careful next time idiot" He said

"Tsk" I walked home completely forgetting about Armin as Eren 2 flooded my thoughts

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