Chapter 20: Rumors

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Mikasa's POV:

I pulled away from the hug and looked up at Eren, still blushing.

"Sorry.." I said a bit ashamed

"It's alright.." Eren replied still having a tint of red on his cheeks. I could feel the awkward tension in the air as well but I didn't mind it for the most part.

"It's getting a bit late.. Should I walk you home?" Eren asked breaking the silence and awkward tension between us.

"Yea sure.." I answered. He took my hand and lead me out of the small alley way we walked into.

I felt our fingers intertwine as we walked towards my house.


"Oh by the way.. where's Armin?" I asked a bit concerned.

"I think he left- He probably didn't want to see us fighting or something." Eren replied looking at me.

When we got nearer and nearer to my house I just realized the REAL Eren Jeager was walking me home. The person I had a crush on and swore to protect was walking me home. I kissed him as well! Oh my god I cannot believe this.

"I forgot.. That man.. who you also called Eren.. He had the same last name as me.." Eren started

"Yea what about him?" I asked confused as to why he would ask about him.

"Did you believe he was me before I came to Titan University?" He asked his smile turning into a frown.

"W-well.. I did.. at first.."

"WHAT?" Eren screamed "WHY?"

"W-well.. he mentioned something about your healing powers in your past life and-"

"Ofcourse he did" Eren said cutting me off.

"What if he's one of the people who wanted to kill me back then in my past life?" Eren asked looking very stressed.

"I may still know how to fight but if I die, then I die for good."

"I could protect you.." I said

"With your Ackerman powers?" Eren asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Yea i'm pretty sure that still exists y'know." I answered

"And how are you sure you have ackerman blood? As well as if you've unlocked the power or not?" Eren asked

"That's the only problem.."

"We'll talk about this later, your house is right around the corner from here right?" He asked

"Yes but how did you know?" I replied, confused

"I have my ways" was all Eren gave as an explanation.

He let go of his grip on my hand and put it in his pocket.

"Well, see you tomorrow then." Eren said waving goodbye as we stop at the front of my house.

"Yea.. thanks for walking me home." I thanked

"No problem." Eren said as he walked off.

I closed the door and went to my room to think.

I can't believe this.. after all this time.. i'm still into you..


Today's Tuesday and I'm looking forward to seeing Eren and Armin.

I wear my uniform since I don't have any white colored clothes to wear since their all in the laundry. I then did my morning routine and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Mikasa." My 'mom' greeted.

"Good morning." I answered

"Your grilled cheese sandwich is on the table. I wrapped it up for you in case you might want to eat it at school. You know, since it's already 7:50?"

"I'm gonna be late- Thanks 'mom' I'll get going now!" I said as I quickly got my sandwich and ran out the door.

I started jogging to the school because I didn't want to show up tired and sweaty if I ran all the way there.

I then saw a navy blue sports car slow down and roll own it's window. I then saw him. It was Eren.

"You're late as well? Need a lift?" He asked pulling the clutch and putting it on N (for neutral).

"Yeah.. and sure" I replied as Eren unlocked the car doors and I entered the passenger seat behind him.

"Don't you think people would start rumors about us?" I asked a bit worried of the consequences.

"Well, what are we?"

"W-what?" I asked dumbfounded by his question.

"What are we to you?" He asked again still looking at the road ahead of him.

It went silent for a bit as I was still dumbfounded. Ofcourse I wanted to answer but I didn't want to make a fool of myself.

"You kissed me right?" He asked still showing his signature look.

"W-well yeah.." I answered

"Then those rumors wouldn't be a problem unless it's bad rumors, right?" He said with a hint of confidence in his voice.

"I guess.." I replied looking at the time seeing it was 7:58

"We're here." Eren said as he parked the car in his parking spot and pulled the clutch and put it on P (for park)

Eren got out of the car as I took off my seatbelt and as I was about to open the car door Eren did for me.

I blushed at the sudden gesture but got out anyway trying to pull myself together.

Eren and I walked into the building just as the bell rang and then I saw some people whispering to eachother while looking at us. I wonder why..

I then looked at Eren who didn't seem to mind as we walked by them.

We then parted ways to go to our classes.

"See you later then." Eren said waving goodbye as I walked towards my class.


School has ended and now I'm feeling like the whole school is looking at Eren and I like we were ghosts or something.

Armin pulled me into a bush as I got out of the school and put his finger in front of his lips and whispered 'shh'

"A-armin? Why did you bring me here?" I whispered, confused.

"Did you hear about the rumor between you and Eren kissing in his car this morning?" Armin asked with a hint of worry in his tone of voice.

A rumor about Eren and I doing what?

Learning vocabulary with the author!

Alright, let's start.

1. Clutch - this is what you call the lever on the right side of the driver's seat.

2. P - It means park, on the sides of the clutch there are letters. P, N, and D.

3. N - same as P but, it's N and it means neutral.

4. D - same as N, and P but it's the letter D and it means drive.

5. Intertwine - its a different saying for interlock. But if you also don't know what that is, well, it means wrapping your fingers around it. So if your hands/fingers intertwine or interlock with someone, you're holding hands with that person.

If you need more explanation, you can either message me or just simply comment and I would always check the comments so I would reply to you in around 2-3 days maximum.

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