Chapter 16: Jailed

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Armin's POV:

I sat up on my bed. Still sleepy, I looked at the time.

It was 10:23 am. Wow, I usually never sleep in this late. Probably because I'm used to waking up at 5 am everyday in my past life and waking up at 7 am in this life.

I then stood up and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I took a shower and then put on new clothes.

I went outside my room and walk through the hallway. I was still thinking about yesterday and that encounter with Eren 2.


"Well this arrogant girl always bumps in to me and probably is bumping into me so she could get my attention!" Eren 2 said putting his hands in his pocket.

End of flashback

Were they really always bumping into eachother? That's so unrealistic.. It's either the universe hates them both, or one of them are trying to bump into the other..

I shook that thought away and kept walking until I was met with a wall in my face.

I fell over and looked up. Turns out I walked into a wall while I was lost in my thoughts.

"Looks like someone was sleep deprived haha" My dad laughed flipping the page of his newspaper.

"Are you alright there Armin?" my mom asked helping me up.

"U-uh yeah- I'm alright." I answered a bit embarrassed that I walked into a wall.

"Alright then, do you want to eat breakfast now?" My mom said gesturing to the dining table.

"Sure!" I cheerfully gleamed walking over to the table as my mom brings me a cheese sandwich.

"There are more of them in the fridge if you want more." My mom pointed to the fridge and then walked away.

I started eating my grilled cheese sandwich still thinks of yesterday's encounter with Eren 2.

Time skip to after lunch

I decided to leave the house to test Eren 2. I then called Mikasa to help me with my plan.

"That's the plan, okay?" I finished telling my plan to Mikasa as Mikasa hummed reassuring me that she got the plan.

Now, it was time to take action!

We lured Eren to a homeless person so we could watch his reaction. I knew that Eren liked helping people, so there would be a higher chance he's the real Eren if he helped this homeless person in anyway.

"Here he comes" I whispered

Eren's POV:

I was walking around until I heard some noises. I decided to follow the strange noise to see what it was.

I reached a tunnel, and right under was a man holding a dirty paper cup that had a few coins in it.

He looked.. homeless..

I then checked my wallet and saw a few hundred dollar bills as well as 15 dollars in coins.

I walked over to the man and dropped the 15 dollars worth of coins into his paper cup.

"Thank you young man, thank you so much!" The homeless man said bowing down to me in gratitude.

"It's no problem. I'm.. happy to help." I said hearing a small whisper behind me as if someone was watching me besides the man infront of me.

I then saw in the corner of my eye a hand but I only saw it for a second so I'm not a hundred percent sure.

But if my senses aren't decieving me, then I have to do something about it.

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