Chapter 27: What...?

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I woke up in my hospital bed. I still felt a bit numb due to the anesthesia but, it's nothing I can't handle.

A nurse entered my room and walked towards me.

"I see you're awake." The nurse said.

"Where's.. mikasa?" I asked.

"Oh you mean the girl who got shot 3 times? Mikasa Ackerman?" The nurse asked

"Yes.. also.. what day is it?"

"Well, you can go see her if you'd like and the day February 14" The nurse replied.

I sat up and walked towards the door leading to the hallway.

"What room is she in?" I asked

"Room 4H"

I opened the door and walked.

4C, 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H- Here it is..

I knocked on the door and the doctor monitoring her at the time opened the door and motioned me to come in.

"Are you one of her family members?" The doctor asked.

"I'm her boyfriend." I said, glancing over at Mikasa.

"I see.. well, I think you should know that her surgery went well, but.. unfortunately, she's.. in a coma.." The doctor explained.

"What...?" I mumbled, shock.

"I'll leave you two alone for now." The doctor left the room with a clipboard in his hands, closing the door behind him.

I sat down on a stool beside Mikasa's hospital bed.

Mikasa was wearing a hospital gown. A strand of her long black hair was covering her face so I decided to move it.

I put it behind her ear with my finger.

She kinda looked like her past life self but not too much though. Since we did reincarnate into new bodies but still..

I held her hand. I felt guilty, and mad at myself..

I couldn't bring myself to save her.. why..

If she looked exactly like how she looked in her old life.. would I have.. reacted differently?

If she really is an ackerman.. why.. why didn't her power awaken? Like what happened in that incident when I saved her in our past life when we were kids..

I don't understand.. why.. why did things have to turn out this way..

We were already happy.. I don't understand.. why did these people want to ruin that..

Mark said they wanted revenge on us.. could they possibly be one of my enemies in my past life? If so.. why did they reincarnate..

The person in the dream said only my friends would reincarnate.. that sick liar..

"I'm sorry.. Mikasa.." I whispered.

"I'm really sorry.. if I was a better person you wouldn't have gotten hurt.. I'm sorry... I-" I started to cry. I didn't want to see Mikasa like this..

She may not look like herself from her past life but her soul is still the same.. then why did I hesitate.. If only I was better.. if only we didn't have to reincarnate.. she could've been happy.. resting in heaven..

Why.. WHY..

I wanted to punch myself for being an idiot.

I made my hand into a fist. I was about to until someone burst through the door.

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