Chapter 26: It's All My Fault..

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Eren's POV:

The police came and told us to put our hands up.

The man didn't put his hands up though, he instead shot my leg.

I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

Mark was already able to shoot his right arm though.

Some nurses and doctors ran to the ambulance outside the building with Mikasa on a stretcher.

I hope Mikasa's okay... This bastard caused her pain.. I will never forgive him..

I got up and hit the man while he was trying to dodge Mark's attacks.

All of us were already severely injured.

The police ram over to us to interfere as they held the man down to the ground.

I thought this man was a student, along with the other one but turns out he was an unknown person who was able to enter the school and wreak havoc.

Some other nurses and doctors picked up John and put him on a stretcher.

Some nurses came to attend to Mark and I.

While the police took all the weapons away from the unknown man's reach. 

I walked along with Mark and the nurses to the ambulance.

The principal and alot of students and teachers were there, thanking Mark, Mikasa and I for attacking the unknown man and not letting him attack other students.

The principal came over and told us that she called each of our parents.

Armin ran over and hugged me.

"What happened? Who injured you guys? Are you guys alright?" Armin asked, tears flowing down his cheeks as he saw Mikasa in the ambulance, severely injured.

"I'm alright.. but that bastard that's being restrained by the police right now hurt her.. shot her 3 times.." I said still enraged.

The nurses brought us into the ambulance and shut the door.

They brought us to the hospital.

The whole ride there I was looking at Mikasa while the nurses and doctors put metal things that I think electrocute Mikasa.

I wanted to interfere, but they know best.. I guess..

"It's gonna be alright dad.." Mark whispered to me.

I was crying and I didn't notice..

I didn't feel any pain at all. I only felt my heart shatter seeing Mikasa in this state.

"Are you two alright?" One of the nurses asked wrapping our wounds with a temporary bandage to prevent blood loss while we were going to the hospital.

"We're both fine" Mark said still look at Mikasa as he was also crying.

"But please.. save her.." Mark pleaded crying a bit more.

"We will try our best." The nurse said.


Once we arrived at the hospital, I saw Mikasa's parents, and one of my bodyguards already there.

A nurse escorted me to my room since I couldn't properly walk just yet.

Mikasa was brought to the Emergency Room while Mark and I were brought into separate rooms for a checkup.

"Mr. Jeager, I'm going to contact your father, since you can't make a decision on how we would treat your wound since you're not old enough."

They tried to contact my father but my father said I could decide for myself, so I just said they could do whatever they want with my wound.

I didn't really care about what was going to happen to me, I only cared about how Mikasa was doing.

After all.. it was all my fault she got shot 3 times..

If only I was stronger.. if only I could've protected her..

It's all my fault.. it's all-

"Mr Jeager? Are you ok?" The doctor asked, monitoring my heart rate and other statistics.

"Im ok.." I replied, trying to hold in my tears of sorrow.

"Alright, well I'm going to give you anesthesia so you wouldn't feel the surgery okay?" The doctor said holding up the breathing mask.

I nodded in response as I close my eyes thinking of what happened a few hours ago.


You're fast.. for a girl" The man said stepping back to reload.

Mikasa ran over and tried to hit the man with the knife.

He dodged it and then he shot Mikasa through the chest.

Mikasa fell to the ground.. she looked like she tried to get up but she couldnt... its all my fault..

He faked it.. he had two guns.. he was actually trying to bait her.. he knew she would take the chance to stab him while he was vulnerable..

"MIKASA!" I shouted getting up, my adrenaline rushing through my whole body. I ran towards Mikasa and picking her up in my arms, careful not to hurt her.

"Are you okay? Where did that bastard go!" I said looking around to try and find that bastard.

Mikasa opened her mouth but nothing came out.

My heart shattered seeing her in pain. My hands had blood smeared over it, since Mikasa was losing alot of blood.

Mikasa weakly pushed my hands away from her body and pushed me.

I was confused but I then heard a gunshot. I stood up seeing the man shoot Mikasa again..

"Mikasa!" I yelled feeling a mix of emotions.

The man sighed and walked over to mikasa.

I wanted to run over there but something was keeping me from doing so.. I felt enraged, sorrow, and shock.

"That's what you get for not minding your own business. Unfortunately you have to die now." The man said pointing the gun at Mikasa's head.

My adrenaline rushed through me again. All parts of my body was telling me to go and protect her.. but I couldn't..

I couldn't.. if she dies it's my fault..

if she dies it's my fault..
if she dies it's my fault..
if she dies it's my fault..

The same sentence kept repeating in my brain until I mustered up the strength I had and threw a medium sized rock at that bastard.

The man missed, thankfully but he was still able to shoot her..

*End of flashback*

I'm such an idiot! I should've done something rather than just stand there like a loser! I'm so stupid!

I then looked next to me and saw the doctor, some surgeons, and a nurse discussing something.

I heard parts of their conversation.. it was how I was staring into space..?

They were saying how I was probably traumatized by the experience I just went through, and.. well, they weren't wrong..

The nurse walked over to me and escorted me to another room. It was a room where surgeries take place.

I laid down on the bed and watched as the doctor came and put a breathing mask over my nose and mouth.

The doctor and some nurses were preparing the heart rate monitor and other things that I do not know about.

Once they were done, the surgeons walked over to me and I felt myself losing consciousness.

I guess the anesthesia was finally kicking in..

I felt a bit numb.. and then everything went black as I closed my eyes.

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