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~Third Person POV~

     Back at the control tower, everybody was watching the screens in shock.

They watched as the plane managed without its first engine for a while before disappearing completely from the radar.

     "How is that even possible!? We had the best trackers installed into this plane and the engines were checked before the flight!" Commander G exclaimed.

      " Send Intel to the flighters. There might be survivors." He continued.

" If they can find them on time..." He thought, gazing at the black screen.

     Back on the island,the crash had been very destructive. Metal scraps were littered all over the place. If there were any survivors,they were very lucky...

~Stephan's POV~

     Darkness. Pitch black darkness is all I could see. Am I awake?

     Are my eyes even open?

     Why am I so cold? What's happening!?

     The plane crash!! I gasped in shock, inhaling something wet,cold and salty... Water?

     Snapping my eyes open,I rushed to the surface to collect my breath.

     That was a close one...

     Where is the shore?

     What is that? I sighted something. A black figure bobbing in the water. What could that be?

      Wait a minute, that's the new stylist!

     Swimming as fast as I could,I rushed towards the drowning woman.

     Grabbing her arms,I pulled her towards the shore which was actually closer than I had imagined.

     "Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead." I chanted under my breathe, dragging her limp body to shore.

     "One,two,three...ten." I counted as I tried compressions.

      Cough! Cough!!

     Oh my God! Oh Jesus! Thank you Jesus!

      I turned her to her side so as to open up her airways.

      "What happened?" She coughed out, trying to sit up.

     " The plane crashed is what happened." I growled out in anger,helping her up.

     "But how is that even possible!?" She gasped in shock.

     "How are we still alive?" She continued gazing at the wreak around us.

     "God." I whispered, murmuring a short prayer of thanks under my breathe.

     "Are we the only survivors?" She asked.

     "I hope not." I pray not.

     "It's getting late,if we want to find anybody,we would need our strength back." She ranted on.

     " You are right. We would need food and shelter." I nodded in agreement.

     "I don't think we need to worry about food for now..." She said pointing at some luggage that miraculously survived the crash.


     Building without tools is very hard!

     The stylist is like the hulk! She was carrying large chunks of wood back to the beach like it weighted nothing!

     I wonder if someone else was here before us and had cut down those trees...

      "You know,I never got your name. I'm Stephan."

     " Miranda. It's nice to meet you. I owe you for saving me."

     " Just doing what any other person would have done in my shoes. Moreover,I did nothing. It's God's will that you are here." I waved her off.

     " You are one of those guys..." She murmured under her breath.

     " So,have you ever built a house?" I asked ignoring her statement.

     God,is that why I'm here? Have you given me the task to save this lost sheep? Help me do your will oh God.

     "Yup." She smiled.


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