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Day 15

* Few miles from the cabin *

~ Andrew's POV ~

     "Movies lie!" I screamed in anger when the bunny ran into a hole.

     It's been days since I sank my teeth into some juicy meat;or any actual food come to think of it. I've been surviving on fruits on rain water.

     Turns out I am not a survival expert even with all the countless number of movies and books I have on that stuff!

     Or maybe it's because I'm only prepared for a zombie apocalypse...

     "Whatever the case maybe, I am sick and tired of being outsmarted by bunnies! I am going to get this one no matter what! " I thought as I stealthy walked towards the rabbit hole.

     As if hearing my approach; which I'm sure it did, the rabbit raced out of its hole and into the forest, but this time I was right behind it.


     You know how they say foxes are crafty and owls are wise? Well, a bunny is evil!

     After running after it for hours,it finally slowed down for me to get close enough.

     But that isn't the evil part,oh no!

     Once I picked it up, I realized two somethings, one, I can't possibly kill this thing! It is way too cute and two, I was standing on a freaking land mine!!

~ Robin's POV~

     "Andrew?! We are coming!" Stephan yelled back as he ran towards the voice.

     "Wait up!" I called, running after him.

     I really need to work on my stamina. Just a little jog and I am already wheezing like an asthmatic patient.

     Looking up from my crouching position,I saw Andrew standing in an open field and Stephan running towards him.

     How come I never noticed this place before? I thought as I continued towards the Walkers.

     "What!?" Stephan yelled in panic.

      " What? What happened?!" I asked in equal panic.

     "He is standing on a land mine!" Stephan exclaimed in fear.

     Oh my God!!!

    "Hey." Andrew said sheepishly.

     That's when I noticed the bunny in his hand.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now