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~ On the plane ~

    "Hey,extra! Get us some comfy clothes to change into!" Barbara Johnson commanded,pointing at herself and her boyfriend.

     "Alright." Miranda, aka extra nodded,walking into the walk-in-closet that had been shown to her on boarding the plane.

     "Why did we even bring the riffraff? I could have brought my stylist you know." Barbara whined at her boyfriend.

     " I just wanted to give her a second chance to redeem herself. Moreover,she doesn't have anywhere else to go to." Eric replied. He gave her a peck on the forehead causing her to pout.

     After Barbara caused Miranda her first job;on her first day, Miranda decided to beg Eric for a second chance. And lucky for her, Eric was lenient enough to grant her a job until they returned from the red carpet show.


     Miranda glanced at the cloths she had hung on the racks.

     "The witch is very picky, I should just give her a cute sundress." Miranda thought, flicking through the wardrobe,not noticing another person passing through the hallway.

     "Who are you?" Andrew Walker asked the stranger in the walk-in closet;giving her a fright.

     "Miranda,sir. I am Miss Johnson's stylist." Miranda replied after recovering from her fright.

     "Oh my God! It's Andrew Walker!I'm talking to THE Andrew Walker!!" Miranda screamed in her head.

     "Oh." He replied with a scrowl which immediately turned into a mischievous smile.

     "Is this your first time on a plane?" He continued when he saw her holding on to the walls of the closet.

     "How does he know!?" She thought,nodded in reply.

     "You know that you are meant to take off your shoes before entering any room,right?" Andrew asked innocently before walking away.

     " Wait,what?" Miranda asked in confusion while Andrew Walker walked (A/N: see what I did there 🤪😂) away with a smirk on his face.


     "Melinda! I love that number you wore in your summer mix!" Paris continued before taking a sip from her smoothie.

     " I know darling. It was fabulous! Did you know that I chose the style?" Melinda replied, glowing with pride.

     " No way!" Paris gasped in disbelief.

     "I was planning on a more bedazzling look but I was thinking of my fans ......" Melinda ranted but stopped on seeing Forrest walk in.

     "Melinda. Paris." He greeted with a nod at both ladies.

     "Hey, Forrest!" Paris greeted in excitement. " Come sit with us!" She offered.

     "Sweetie. I don't think he has time for chats,he is much too busy." Melinda countered looking up from her glass of champagne.

     "Actually,I am not busy at all." Forrest smirked,plopping into a seat. " And don't you think it's too early to be drinking?" He continued.

     " Some of us know how to control ourselves." Melinda bit back. " Unlike some people." She muttered under her breath.

     "Look Melinda,I don't want to start a fight." Forrest whispered with a sigh.

     " Then leave me alone!" Melinda yelled in frustration, slamming her glass on the table which gave Paris a fright.

      "What's with all this tension and noise!" Sarah asked, walking in.

     " Forrest! It's been ages! I thought you would ignore the mail." She greeted him with a hug.

     " God! I've missed you so much!" Forrest sighed into the hug.

     " Then you shouldn't have been ignoring us." She slapped his shoulder causing him to chuckle.

     " What's up people!" Andrew sang as himself and the other celebrities walked into the room.

     Although they all worked in different aspects of entertainment,they were still sponsored and managed by the same company; STARDOM.
Due to that fact,they usually set eyes on one another one way or the other.

     "Oh my God! Is that Paris!?" Robin asked in shock.

     The teenager who had been watching the whole drama from her seat smiled at the acknowledgement.

     "Robin!" She shrieked dropping her empty glass on the table before jumping at the model.

     "Wow,you have grown!" He continued, ignoring the weird looks he was getting from his colleagues.

     "Look at who is talking!" She said referring to his career.

     " I know. " He smirked, pulling her over to a seat to continue their discussion.

     " Miss Barbara?" Miranda called from outside the room.

     "Come in." She called back from her seat.

     Miranda pulled open the curtains to see a luxurious room with clean white rugs.

     "Wow! Mr Walker was right! Thank God I had already pulled off my shoes!" She thought.

     But she didn't notice the weird looks she was getting. Neither did she notice the man laughing his head off.


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