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~ Third Person POV~
     "If they left the island using anything other than a boat or plane,they would be dead by now." Lucy said, shaking her head.

     " What? Why would you say that?" Robin gasped in shock.

    "The water surrounding the island is infested with sharks. If they had gone by a raft,they would have been attacked by now. If not,they would probably die from cold and starvation." She explained.

     " Serves them right!" Barbara exclaimed at the same time Robin gasped in shock.

     " Seriously Barbara! Why is your mind this messed up!?" Miranda scoffed in annoyance.

     " Wait,if you know all these things,how come you are still here? How did you get to the island?" Eric asked in confusion.

     " I have never left this island before. I-i was born on the island." Lucy explained.

    " What?!" The others gasped in shock.

     " You see,when my family wanted to get off the island,we sent some people out to get us help,but only one person returned. He was dehydrated and half-dead! He told us everything they had experienced at sea. The very next day,he died."

     " Oh God." Sarah whimpered.

     " But if your family members are with you on the island,how come we haven't met them yet?" Stephan asked in confusion.

     " How did you people get on the island?" Andrew added in confusion.

     " I also don't know how we got on the island. My mom never told me. All I know is that I was born here." Lucy explained.

     " So,where is you family now?" Eric asked.

    "Gone." She answered looking away.

     "Gone? Where?" Barbara asked.

     "No. They are gone! Dead!" She exclaimed.

    "What!? How?" Stephan asked.

    " I don't know... I don't remember. I only remember waking up to a bleeding head and the dead bodies of my family surrounding me." Lucy said.

     " Oh My God!" Sarah cried.

     " But there is one thing I know. Whoever, or whatever did it is still on this island. That is why I've been working to get off this island."

     " So, what's the plan?" Robin asked,the others humming in agreement.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now