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     "Get me my coffee and clear my schedule for the day. Where is my dog? Who is meant to walk sugar today?! For goodness sake can somebody get me my coffee!"
Melinda Combs ranted as she crossed the bubblegum pink carpet lining her dressing room floor.

     She had just finished modelling on one of the grandest catwalks ever been created and she thought she really deserved to be worshipped for that.

     After all, her face is on the front cover of so many magazines. She was the queen of the limelights!

     "Your schedule is all clear for the day and Sugar is at the animal resort getting the luxurious treatment he deserves. Also, here is your coffee! " Melinda's manager;more like personal servant, rushed out in a breath as she made a reminder to clear her client's schedule, again!

     "Whatever. Get Malia on the phone." Melinda commanded.

     "Right away Miss Combs. " Amber chirped, quickly dialing Malia's number.

     "Aloha sister!" Malia yelled into the phone immediately after the first ring.

     One who was close to her wouldn't even be surprised. The girl was constantly on her phone!

     "Heya Malia. Did you get any invitations from mother?" Melinda asked straight away, waving off her makeup crew who were swarming over her like bees to their honey.

     "Well hello to you too my sister from another mister!" Malia guffawed into the phone at her lame rhyming.

     She was always the hyperactive one.

     "Yes,I did actually. Wouldn't this be like her,I don't know, fifth wedding?" Malia continued.

     "Don't know,don't care. So,will you be there?" Melinda asked.

     She remembered her mother's last wedding and let's just say it was something she didn't want to remember reliving;alone.

     "Yeah sure! If only you are there too boo." Malia answered.

     "Sure,see you in two days time?" Melinda asked.

     "Okay. Byeee!" Malia sang.

     "Bye..." But Melinda was already cut off, evident from the dial tone.

     "I think she's drunk. I just hope she doesn't bail out on me." Malinda said tossing her phone at her manager.

     "She wouldn't do such to you." Amber said.

     Amber really hoped Malia wouldn't back off her promise.

     Nobody wants to manage a cranky lady much more this woman called Melinda Combs.


     "Cut off this girl's line! I don't want her acting any scenes with me. " Barbara Johnson commanded the director.

     The young lady Barbara was trying to condemn was just an extra on the movie but Barbara didn't care.

     If you eye my guy, you get the heels. Barbara thought smirking evilly at the lady.

     "But miss Johnson that is my only line!" The lady cried in horror.

     You should have thought of that before gawking at my man. Barbara thought.

      "Well too bad for you darling." Barbara snarled, walking off.

     The young lady tried to beg the director but even she knew it was hopeless.

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