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     "Master Maxwell,your mother is on the phone!" Forrest's butler called.

     " Ignore it Austin!" Forrest commanded.

     Ever since he got out of rehab,his mother had always been on his neck.

     "You have one new message." The robotic voice of the answering machine rang through the empty room.

     "Forrest Prudence Maxwell! Pick up your phone young man or so help me!" His mother's melodic voice filled the room.

     Forrest winched when he heard his middle name. The source of most of the bullying he faced back in school.


     "Another message." He thought.

     "You have one new message." The robotic voice said again. Then, a new voice.

     "Mr Forrest Maxwell,on behalf of the entertainment agency,I would like to inform you that you  have been invited to the red carpet show. An invitation card would be sent to you telling you the details of the event."

     " About time!" He thought.

     " Master Maxwell. You have a mail." Austin walked in with an envelope on a silver platter.

     " That was very fast. And creepy..." Forrest thought.

     "Hand it over Austin. You're dismissed."

     "Well it seems fate as brought us together once more." He smirked running his thumb over the names of his arch nemeses.

     The Walkers


     "Give me anger! Raw,  dangerous rage!" The photographer ranted taking as many shots of the model as he could.

     "Yes! Bravo! Awesome. Now show me joy! Sunshine happiness! " The photographer threw again.

     Robin was happy to be doing what he loved the most but this was pointless. He had been here for hours listening to the photographer give him weird commands like "I want you to grin like an Amazon alligator!" Who says that for goodness sakes!?

     Robin could almost hear his bed calling out to him.

     "And that's a wrap people!"

     Thank God!

     "Robin! Have a drink boy. You look like a chicken in a slaughter house. " His manager;Guy said fanning the model.

     "And what does it look like?" Robin asked him in amusement, drowning his drink.

     " Who knows!? "Guy said waving him to a seat. "I have great news, boy. We are going on the red carpet! " He continued.

     " No way man! You're pulling my legs, right?" Robin asked in shock.

     "Nope. Here, read this." Guy passed him an envelope.

     "Oh no!" Robin gasped on seeing the names on the list.

     "What!?" Guy asked in fear.

     "Did you read the names of the others on the plane?" Robin asked.

     " Yeah. Why? "

     " Because my sister is on the list." Robin pointed out the name of the worst person in the world. His half sister; Victoria.


     "Why do I have to act in this movie!?" Victoria complained, flinging the script at the director.

     " This is like the worst princess movie ever created!" She continued.

     "It is a very nice story miss Greene." The director tried cajoling her into liking the storyline.

     "If it is such a nice movie, why don't you play the part of the princess and I could be the_" She paused dramatically. "_I don't know, pea!" She screamed in anger, throwing her heels off.

     " I mean this is totally rubbish! How can a normal human being feel a pea under their bed!? Not even one mattress, but loads of them!" Victoria continued waving at about twenty mattresses staked on top of each other.

     "Miss Victoria, we just want you to star in a show that nobody has ever taught of remaking. I'm talking new! Fresh! Red carpet worthy even!" The director continued.

     " Speaking of red carpets,you were invited to the red carpet show,Vi!" Corine; Victoria's friend chirped as she walked into the room.

     Tapping away at her iPad, Corine was your typical mean girl sidechic slash best friend.

     "You don't mean it!" Victoria screamed pushing away the director who from his expression was very shocked by the news.

     "Wow! There is one big twist to this ride sista." Corine continued.

     " What?" Victoria asked trying to peeking from over her friend's shoulder.

     "Robin was also invited." Corine replied in worry.

     Yanking the phone from her friend, Victoria angrily scrolled through the mail and in fustration, she threw the iPad at a wall.

     "Hey! I just got that!" Corine whined.

     People who have met Victoria before had always complained about her behavior.

     One couldn't say it was her fault...

    After her parents got divorced over her mother having an affair and a child outside the marriage, her father got full custody of the child; Victoria, which was quite unusual but wise.

     It was quite unusual as her father wasn't really a parent. He was just one to provide for the family's needs.

     While she was living with her father, her half brother; Robin, who was about four years younger than her was living the life.

     And because of that, she made sure nobody was at peace when she was around.

     "If I can't be happy, then no one should be!" She thought.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now