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Day 3

~Third Person POV ~

     It has been three days since the accident that left the celebrities... and stylist stranded, three days since three survivors have been discovered.

     Turns out Miranda is an expert on surviving the wild.

     "It's going to rain heavily this night." Miranda commented out of the blue.

     " How do you know?" Stephan asked in confusion while poking at the fire while Eric continued to check on the roasting fish.

     "You see that cloud over there?" She pointed at a gray cloud that was quite a distance from them.

     " Yeah? " Eric asked also looking up.

     " It's a storm cloud. It travels with the wind coming from the Atlantic ocean thus carrying water with it. " She explained.

     It's simple geography. She almost added.

     "Hmmm." Stephan hummed eyeing the cloud.

     "If that's the case, we need to store more food as we don't know how long the rain would last. " Eric commented.

     " You are right. "Miranda answered jumping to her feet.

     " Miranda should continue fishing as she is obviously the best, I'll get more coconuts and Eric should work on fire wood. " Stephan said.

     Nodding their heads in agreement, they all went into their various tasks.


     The rain turned out to be much heavier than they had expected. The roof of their house was almost flying off.

     Our three survivors positioned themselves in strategic places holding down the fort; literally.

      Few of their valuable had been destroyed but at least they still had few to last them for a few more days.

      While our survivors are busy with this,why don't we scout the island instead?

     From a bird's eye view,one can see a very small island covered with various climatic conditions.

     On the far northern side of this island,we have peaks of rocks almost mountain like.

    On the southern side; the beach in which our friends are residing.

     Around the center of the island is a thick forest crawling with creatures of many kind;bugs,creepers,reptiles, you name them.

     The fact that they were able to survive here is quite amusing because there is literally no way in or out of the island except the ocean...

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now