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~ Miranda's POV~

     "You know, on the bright side, you don't have to worry about a jealous girlfriend. " I said sarcastically causing Eric to scoff.

     " You know I'm right though. " I smirked, jabbing him in the side.

     " Ouch! " He yelped, glaring at me.

     "At least you are no longer crying." I murmured under my breathe causing him to burst into laugher.

     "Is he going mad? I think I broke him!!" I thought with wide eyes.

     "Let's go and have something to eat. All this negativity is making me hungry." I reasoned.

     Maybe he's just hungry?

     "I'm not hungry." Eric waved off.

     "Huh, no! If you don't follow me now, I'mma have to drag you out by the ear. " I sassed.

     " Alright, alright. "

     " Good. " I replied back as we walked out into the living room.

     "Where did they all go now?" Eric asked in confusion.

     " Stephan? Robin?!" I called but only got silence back.

     "Okay, something is definitely up." Eric said.

     I hummed in reply. "I bet Barbara killed them." I wanted to say. "Let's check the other rooms. "

    " They are not there." Barbara said, walking in.

     " Then where are they?" I questioned.

     " They went to get Andrew." She shrugged, plopping into the couch.

    " What? When? How?" I asked in confusion.

    " I'm not sure how I'm meant to answer that but they went towards the plains near the coconut field. "

    " And when were you planning to tell us this? " Eric asked in anger.

     " I don't know, okay! Leave me alone! "


~ Andrew's POV~

     " I just need something heavy to transfer unto the mine." Stephan murmured, using a stick to gently scrape off some sand from the sides of my foot.

     "Something like a rock? Or maybe a bunny?" Robin asked.

     "What? No! Nobody is using the bunny! This is my first victory as a survivor! You can't just kill it! " I growled at them, hugging the bunny.

     " Andrew is right. Well,about not using the rabbit,not because of his weird reason. If we place the rabbit as a weight,how are we sure it would even stay put or it is even heavy enough?" Stephan reasoned, standing up.

     " First,let's free him from these stuff." He continued, pointing at my bag.

     " Stephan?! Robin!" A voice called from the direction where Stephan and Robin both came from not quite long ago.

     "Andrew? What's going on?" Another voice called out as two figures emerged from the thicket into the clearing.

     "Hey Eric...and shoe girl!" I waved with a goofy smile on my face.

     "Shoe girl?" Robin and the girl asked in confusion.

     "He stepped on a land mine." Stephan answered Eric's question.

     " What!?" Shoe girl screamed.

     "Girl! What kind of lungs are you built with!?" I asked in shock at the loudness of her scream.

     God,she is loud!

     "I need you guys to take all his stuff and place them at the end of the clearing." Stephan commanded.

     " Why that far away?" Eric asked.

     "So that incase the mine goes off, nothing would slow us down when we try to run." Stephan answered.

     Smart thinking

     " Try? How are you sure we would even make it?!" Shoe girl asked.

     " Im not sure."


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