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~Sarah's POV~

     Something is wrong. I thought as I subtly glared at the retreating figure of Melinda.

     "Being alone for long might have caused her to react like that." Forrest suddenly said, breaking the silence.

    " Yeah. Let her get some air." I could her the sarcasm dripping from Victoria's voice. Rolling my eyes at both of them, I looked around the shelter.

     It was empty except for some empty bottles and snack wrappers.

     How long has she been here? Has she been here all by herself?

     "I- ." Forrest started only to be interrupted by voices outside the house.

     In shock, we all run outside.

     "Robin." Victoria growled at her brother.

     "Hey." He replied sheepishly. I could see the pain in his eyes at his sister's behavior. "I'm glad you are okay." He smiled.

     "Whatever." Victoria rolled eyes with a scoff.

     "Hey, hey! No fighting children!" Andrew said pushing into the center of our small group.

     " Are you the only ones here?" Eric asked in confusion.

     "What do you mean? Paris isn't with you guys?" I asked in fear.

    "No she isn't. I'm sure we would find her soon. " Miranda said.

     " No! Don't get all pitiful on me! How would she survive this long on her own?! " I cried, shrugging her hand off from my shoulder.

     "I'm not pitying you! I'm just stating a fact! If anyone can survive out there on their own, I'm sure it's her. "Miranda smiled weakly at me.


     I just hope you are right.

     I really do.

     "Do you guys hear that?" Stephan finally said, breaking the awkward silence.

     " It sounds like- ." Robin started.

     "A plane!" Barbara gasped in happiness.


~ Barbara's POV~

     A plane! Oh God! We are finally going to get off this island!

     "Hey! Over here!!" Victoria yelled, waving her hands frantically in the air.

     The sky was very cloudy, so, we couldn't see the plane.

     It is also very possible that the visibility from above was also terrible.

     "They can't see or hear us from here. We need to get to higher grounds." Forrest said causing Stephan to hum in agreement.

     "Even when we get to higher grounds, there is a possibility that they might not hear us. And what if they have passed over the island by the time we get to higher ground?" Andrew asked.

    "Sound travels relatively fast in solids. So,there is a possibility that the plane is still quite a distance from us. All we need to do is get to higher ground and create a sort of signal as quickly as possible." Miranda rambled on.


    " Signal? Like maybe a smoke signal?" Robin asked pointing at the bonfire in front of the shelter.


     "I'm not going anywhere without Paris!" Sarah growled in anger.

     "Sarah! Stop being inconsiderate! You are slowing us down!" Victoria snapped at a whiny Sarah.

     " Of course you would say that! You self-centered hypocrite!" She sneered back.

     " Sarah. It is very possible that Paris would also see the signal. So,let us deal with that first and get the attention of the pilot,then we can continue searching for Paris." Forrest said finally cajoling her.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now