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     "Did you watch the entertainment news yesterday evening?" A girl asked her friend.

    " Of course. What else would I be watching?" The friend replied rolling her eyes before leaning against her locker.

     "Well, then you know that Paris was enlisted to be on TRCS with major celebrities." The first girl continued.

     " Wait. What?!"

     " Guess you weren't paying attention to the news after all." The first girl scoffed.

     " No way! This is so not fair!" The second girl whined.

     " I know, right?" The other girl whined along.

     " I mean, yes, she is the president's daughter, she is pretty and rich. Even her name is rich!" The second continued.

     " What do you mean?" The first asked in confusion.

    " Well, you obviously know where Paris is right?" The second girl asked.


     " Well, did you know that her last name; Argent means Silver?" The second girl continued.

     " Huh!"


     "We better get to class." The second girl said ending the conversation. Ignorant to the fact that their whole conservation was overhead.

     "You will be the talk for weeks!" One of Paris' friends remarked.

     " Oh,I will be more than the talk of the week! I will be the talk of the year!" Paris thought in excitment.

     " Just what I wanted." She smirked, slamming her locker shut.


- A day before the red carpet show -

        ~ The airport ~

     The airport was packed with reporters from different news stations.

     Everyone was very excited and this led to hyperactivity for both the paparazi and fans.

     Guards with riot shields had to be stationed at every corner to avoid any problems.

     After some hours of warnings and cautions, the public finally settled for a relatively short period of time.

     "They've arrived!" A reporter screamed rushing back into the crowded building.

     His voice was carried away by the noise of the crowd but the sight of the first car puts the crowd into a frenzy as everyone struggled for a front row view.

     A fleet of expensive cars pulled up in front of the airport.

     The fans and reporters all watched; some snapping pictures, some taking videos while some were just gawking as some valets rushed to the cars to open them.

     Polished shoes appeared.

     Heels and long, tan legs appeared.

     The fans could not hold it in any longer. They started screaming in joy as the celebrities walked out of their vehicles.

     "Miss Combs, who are you wearing?"

     "Mr Stevenson, we heard that your sister is also getting on this plane. How do you feel?"

     Other questions were lost in the sea of noise.

      Some celebrities stayed to entertain the questions while a few of them such as Paris reluctantly continued to the plane followed closely by Sarah and Victoria.

      But none of the fans, reporters or celebrities noticed the man glaring at them with a scrowl on his face.


Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now