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Day 15

~ Barbara's POV~

     I'm starting to hate this stylist girl even more! She had better stay away from my man!

     I mean yeah, I said some hateful things but I didn't mean it!

     And now, they are all treating me like a pest. Especially Eric.

     All he does is ignore me and hangout with the the others; mostly that stylist.

     It's not like I am jealous or anything. I'm just saying that he should start making time for me- for us!

     "Eric? C-can we talk? Alone?" I asked.

     Why am I so nervous?

     Today was like another day, we are all seated in the living room of the cabin;or we think it's the living room.

     Stephan and Robin were playing tic-tac toe. Eric and Miranda were laughing and jesting on the only couch in the cabin.

     "Huhn? Why? You can say whatever you want to say in front of everybody." Eric replied. Annoyance was written all over his face.

     What the heck! Where is this coming from!?

     If he wants me to be talking about our personal matters in front of strangers,then that's exactly what I'll do!

     "I'm tired of the silent treatments! Stop ignoring me! I am your girlfriend not this-this stylist!" I exclaimed in anger.

     I can't take it anymore!

     They looked at each other before blinking back at me in confusion.

     "Huhn-" The stylist started.

     "Shut up! I wasn't talking to you!" I yelled at her.

    "Whoa! Okay! No need to let out your anger at her! It's not her fault that you are a wacko!" Robin growled from behind me.

     Me? A wacko!? I am not crazy!

     "Stop poking your noses into other people's businesses!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air in frustration.

     " I am sick and tired of your nonsense!" Eric yelled back, standing up in anger.

     " You mess with people's minds by making them think less of themselves and yet you still blame them for every and anything that goes wrong in your life!" He continued.

     " But-" I started.

     " But what!? It's my fault?" He asked.

      " No- I mean..." It's her fault! I tried to continue.

     "You mean what!? Speak up!!" He yelled in my face causing me to freeze in fear.

     This isn't my Eric!

     The Eric I know would never yell or talk back. He has changed.

     "This is all your fault!" I screamed turning to the boyfriend snatcher.

     "What?" She asked in shock.

     "Why can't you get your own man huhn? Leave mine alone!" I cried jumping at her.

     " I'll kill you! I continued, yanking at her hair in anger.

     "Leave her out of this Barbara!" Eric spat.

     " B-barbara? You never call me that." I whispered.

      "We are not together Barbara! Not since you claimed that I was your lackey,no,since we started dating! You never loved me!" He growled.

     " What? No! I love you! I still love you!" I cried.

     " NO! STOP LYING GOD DAMNIT! STOP LYING! Please." Eric yelled. I could see the pain in his eyes as he walked away.

     And then she followed.

     "Barbara, I think you should just let him have his space for now." Stephan whispered from behind me, causing me to nod in understanding.

     "I-I'll be outside. Air." I wheezed out.

     Rushing out of the cabin,I ran into the compound and fell into my knees in tears.

     I can't lose him too! I didn't mean any of those things!


     "What?" That wasn't me....

     Help!! Can anyone hear me!?


      I turned around to see Stephan and Robin running out of the cabin.

     "Someone's out there!" Robin said.

     "I know that voice! It's my brother." Stephan replied in panic.

     " Andrew." I whispered under my breathe.


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