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~ Forrest's POV~
    It's been long enough now. They should be far in the thicket now.

    I just need to get all these food to the raft.

     " I knew it!" A voice called from behind me causing me to jump in fright, dropping the food and water on my foot.


    "How?" I sighed in dejection. What if she isn't the only one that knows...

    "You've been acting weird for a while now." She smirked crossing her hands. " And no,no one else knows."

     "Good. Now,leave me alone."

     "Huhn,no way! I'm leaving with you whether you like it or not!"

     " I didn't build the raft to carry extra weight!" I argued back.

     " Well,find a way for it to because I will not stay a second longer on this island!"

    If I don't take her with me,she wouldn't allow me to leave before the rest arrive. The only thing I can do is to kill her but that would take too much time. I could just dump her in the middle of the ocean...

     "Fine. Whatever. Just pack your own food!"

     More food for me!


~ Lucy's POV ~

     Friend... Friend. Friend! My first friend and I lost her seconds later!

     What a strange person she was...

     Melinda. A stranger name...

     Where could her other friends be?

     I remember seeing some footprints on the way here. I should probably track those.

     I also wonder how Melinda and her friends got on the island.

     I don't know how we got on the island...

     Mum never talked about her past. Could the strangers know her secrets?

    Are they one of us?

    I need to know...


~ Sarah's POV~

     "Did you find her?" I asked the others.

     "No. But that's not all,we have more bad news." Eric replied.

     " What happened?" Stephan asked, taking the words right out of my mouth.

     "Our supplies are gone. And we can't find Forrest." Barbara said.


     " And my sister too!" Robin added, looking at her in disbelief.

    " Yeah,her too." She waved off.

     " Do you think she-they are alright?" I asked.

      First Paris,then Melinda,now these two!?

     "Of course,they have to be." Andrew answered with a nervous smile.

     "I don't think Forrest and Victoria were killed or taken. It's obvious they ran away. Is it possible that they found help and left?" Miranda asked in confusion.

     " Knowing both of them,that would be the correct assumption." Barbara said crossing her hands in annoyance.

     " This is all your fault Stephan! If you had allowed me to stay behind, I-I would've -" She continued only to be interrupted by Stephan.

     "You would have done the exact same thing and left us behind." He completed her statement.

     " Wait. Guys! I see someone coming from the cliff side!" Robin said interrupting the banter between the two.

     "What? I thought we checked the cliff?" I asked in confusion.

     " You probably didn't check properly." Barbara sassed.

     Oh God help me because I'll smack this girl if she isn't careful!

     " I can't see her properly..." Andrew said, getting lost in his train of thought.

     "I'm going to meet her." I said.

     " She's already coming over,so why bother?" Miranda asked.

     " What if it's Paris? What if she's hurt?" I turned to her.

     " Huh,sorry to burst your bubble of hope,but if I remember correctly,Paris is blond. That is a dark head." Andrew said, joining the conversation.

     " Then it's probably Melinda or Victoria!" I said.

    I cannot be selfish now. Who ever we find is very important whether she is Paris or not!

     " Probably not Victoria." Barbara growled. "I never liked those two from the beginning."

     " Melinda!" I shouted running towards the approaching figure.

     Why did I decide to do this again? I am not a runner!

     "You are not Mel... Who are you?" I asked coming to a stop in front of the stranger.

     " I'm Lucy. Who are you? Who are all of you? "

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now