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~ Stephan's POV~

     "He did what!?" I asked in shock.

    "No! Don't put words into my mouth! Melinda said that the forest killed Paris!" Lucy replied with a shrug. " Although,I don't know how..."

    "Why would he do that!? And he kept it from us all these time?" Sarah asked,her face turning pale.

     " What else did she tell you?" Eric asked.

     "Oh. That the last time you saw Paris was the first time you saw the forest." She said. "So,are you telling me that the man's name is forest? You people are very strange!"

     " The first day I met Forrest? That doesn't make sense!" Sarah growled gripping her hair in frustration.

     " What about the first day you saw him after the crash?" Robin asked.

    " The crash.... oh God!" She screamed turning green.

    " What's wrong!?"I asked running after her with the others behind us.

     Bending over the water,she continued to dry heave.

     "I-i can't believe it!" She gasped trying to breathe.

     " What happened?" Miranda asked in confusion.

     " The first time Victoria and I saw Forrest on the island,he was eating! " She sobbed falling onto her knees.

    " I can't believe my mind didn't go there!" She cried.

     " I don't understand." Barbara mumbled.

    " What I'm saying is that he killed Paris! He was eating Paris!! I-we ate Paris! Oh my God!" She started to gag again.

    " What!? What makes you think that?" Andrew asked in confusion. His face also pale.

    "Because we were at the rocky side of the mountain for days and we never saw any animals!" Sarah cried.

     " Victoria kept telling me that something was wrong but I chose to ignore her!" She continued.

     " Oh God! Victoria! She's with Forrest!" Robin gasped jumping to his feet.


~ Forrest's POV~

     "... So,I asked her where she got the shoes,but she chose to ignore me! I was so..." Victoria ranted off.

     This has been going on for hours! When will she shut up!?

     I should just kill her in her sleep,I can't wait till we get far into the water. It's going to take more time than I anticipated because of the extra weight...

     Victoria,you die tonight.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now