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Day 20

~ Victoria's POV~

     "There is something in the sand!" I yelled, pointing at a figure in front.

     "It looks like a house." I continued.

     Oh God! Please let there be food... And people! We've been walking for days now! I just want to rest!

     "I see it!" Sarah yelled back from behind me before rushing past, towards the structure.

     "Melinda? Oh my God! You are alive!" Sarah cried from inside the building causing Forrest and I to glance at each other in shock.

     "Guys in here! Melinda is here!" She shouted again.

     "Melinda? " Forrest mumbled under his breath in confusion.

     What's wrong with him?

     "Hey girlfriend!" I smirked at the once glamorous woman.

     She looked malnourishment and sick. She was very dirty in appearance but her eye bags were still prominent on her face;to sum up, she looked terrible.

     "Hi." She squeaked in reply.

     "Hey. " Forrest waved at her causing her to jump in fear.

     "Whoa girl! It's just Forrest! I know he looks terrible, but not to a frightening state." Sarah chuckled drawing her into her arms for a hug.

     "How did you set all this up by your self?" I asked in confusion.

     "I-I met it like this." Melinda stammered a reply.

     Okay, something is definitely up. The Melinda we all know;and dislike, isn't submissive!

     "So, you weren't spying on us while getting supplies? " Forrest pitched in causing her to jump and shake her head vigorously.

     Something is definitely up. I thought, glaring at both of them.


~ Andrew's POV~

     "The best way to kill a vampire is by using fire!" I reasoned.

     " I mean,yeah. You can kill basically anything with fire but the best choice would be a wooden stake to the heart!" Robin explained.

     " I know it's fire and there is nothing you can say to refute that statement! Do you think you could just walk up to a vampire and stab it? "

     " Just like you were right about the land mine." Miranda said sarcastically causing the others to burst into laughter.

     "It wasn't my fault okay! That was the first thing that came to my mind! Stephan also thought it was a land mine too!" I said.

     " Hey! I was caught up in the moment okay!" Stephan gasped in mock shock.

     " Can you people stop behaving like children for once!" Barbara complained.

     "So,you don't like us goofing around?" I asked mischievously.

     " Exactly."

     "Good to know." I smirked.

     "I can see the shelter." Miranda called from in front.

     We were almost out of supplies back at the cabin,so, Stephan had suggested that we came for the remaining supplies back on the beach while doing a bit of hunting and fishing at the side.

     "Good. I'm tired!" Eric groaned.

     "Somebody is here." Stephan whispered pointing at footprints leading to a crouching figure.

     " Who is it?" Barbara asked pushing me out of the way.

     The heck!!

     "Mel?" She asked.

     Wait. Medusa?

     "Melinda?!" I asked pushing Barbs away.


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