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Day 10

~Eric's POV~

      It has been a week since I found Stephan and Miranda but we still haven't had any luck with other survivors.

     Stephan suggested we went looking for survivors instead of waiting for them to stumble upon us.

     He has been trying to build our faith by teaching the word of God. I'm a Christian,yes,but I was never one to go for evangelism or fellowship programmes. I was more or less a Christian by name.

    Miranda on the other hand haven't been taking the lessons to heart. She usually left us and sat in a corner while Stephan preached.

     My prayer was that she would open her eyes to the possibilities of faith and I just hope that the others are still alive.

     I barely survived a day on my own. How could they survive days out there without food or shelter?

     Are we even sure they are still out there?

     Are we sure we aren't the only ones left on the island?

     What of Barbara, could she be dead too?

     "No! She can't possibly be dead. Can she? "

     "Eric! Stop daydreaming!" Stephan yelled in front of my face startling me into reality as a laughing Miranda passed by my side.

     Rolling my eyes,I followed after both of them.

      Buzzz buzz

     "What's with all these insects?! Jesus!"

     "Can you remind me why we have to look for survivors late in the evening? We can barely see past our noses!" Miranda complained, angrily slapping away a branch that almost smacked her in the face.

     "If they were smart,they would know that walking under the sun would only take up their energy and besides the island is dangerous at night,better to be awake." Stephan shrugged."  Thus,I'm almost positive they would be walking in the evening." He continued waving his torch around.

     Buzzz buzz

     "These creatures are getting on my nerves!"

      Turns out Miranda was more than prepared for the trip. She had packed solar torches, medical kits and some other survival stuff.


     "But-" I started only to have a hand slapped over my mouth.

     " Shh! Quiet!" Miranda whispered.

      "What? What is it?!" Stephan asked.

     " Quiet!" She growled back.

     "Someone's out here with us." She continued.

     "What?I can't hear anything! Well,apart from my breathing and the constant buzzing of insects which ironically seems to be getting louder..." I whispered.

     " That's it! Those aren't insect buzzes! It's electricity!" She exclaimed.

     " What!?"

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