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~Melinda's POV~

     It's night time again. The one time I now hate,since "the incident".

     Ever since they found me,he has been trying to get me to be alone with him.

     I am not stupid!

     If that happens,I might end up like "her". Or even worse...

     I can see the threat in his eyes,i can feel it in my bones every time he looks at me.

     I always try to avoid eye contact,but everywhere I look,he always seems to be there!

     I can't take it anymore! I'd rather kill myself than let him do it for me!

     Things are not really going my way presently.


     Currently sitting at the edge of a cliff,my legs swinging as I try enjoy the cool breeze.

     Today would be my first time to be posted far from camp. We alternated posts around the island to get enough coverage.

     This was the only way to calm Sarah. Moreover, we could easily spot incoming help better. So, it's a win-win for us!

     But I know the truth.

     Even though the others don't know the truth, I'm sure they are already thinking of it...


     " W-who's there?!" I whimpered into the cold night breeze.

     Please don't be him! I am in a very compromised situation right now!

     "Hey Mel. Nice night to be out don't you think?" He smirked.

     "Forrest." I whimpered, jumping to my feet.

     "It isn't nice to keep avoiding a friend you know." He frowned."I really just want to have a small chat with you that's all!"

     " Please..."

     " So, Paris. You know, don't you?" He asked, taking a step forward causing me to move back to the edge of the cliff.

    "Answer me!" He growled in anger causing me to jump in fright. I nodded my head in response,snot dropping down my nose as I tried to hold in my tears but they continued gushing down my face.

    "Well,this is one mighty pickle to be in don't you think? I can't have you walking around spreading my secrets now can I?" Forrest smirked taking another step forward.

     I have no where else to go!

     "Please." I hiccupped.

     "I really don't want to do this,but..." He rushed forward, grabbing me by the throat.

     " I just have to do this." He sighed. A playful smile lingering on his face.

     Grabbing his hands instinctively,I wheezed out a please.

     "You know,you aren't really that bad." He smiled, squeezing harder.

     Air! I can't breathe! Oh God! Anybody?! Someone! Help!

     "Goodbye Mel. Only one person needs to know this secret. And that person,sadly isn't you."

     And he pushed me off the cliff.


~ Forrest's POV~

     Now that that's taken care of. I need to focus on leaving this place.

     I'll need some supplies to last me weeks.

     Who knows how long I'll be at sea...

     My only prayer is that the raft works perfectly.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now