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Stephan's POV~

     Where could they be?

     Forrest has even been acting strange lately. Was I wrong for allowing him to go look for her?

     "Guys." Forrest called from the darkness.

     Oh thank God! They are back!

     "I-I couldn't find her. I'm so sorry." He said with a look of concern crossing his face.

     " W-what? " Sarah stuttered. Her face turning ghostly white. "What do you mean you couldn't find her!? She should be by the cliff side! Oh God! I can't lose her too! " She hyperventilated.

     " Just relax Sarah. We are going to find them. " I said, drawing her into a hug.

     " Okay. We need to go out there and look for her. There is no time to waste! " Miranda said.

     " We go in groups this time around. No body goes alone. Thirty minutes out and then come back to base. Got it? "She continued.

    " What are you doing now?" Victoria rolled her eyes.

     " I'm going with Eric! " Barbara spat out causing everyone to look at her in confusion.

     " No you're not." I said. "You'll go with Andrew, Eric with Victoria, Robin with Miranda and I'll go with Sarah. Forrest should stay here and watch the house in case she comes back before us."

     " Why does Forrest have to wait!? Let me wait instead. " Barbara whined.

    " He has been working longer than the rest of us, so he deserves a break! Jesus Barbara stop with this childish attitude! "Andrew said.

    " Let's just get this done with okay! "Miranda said.

     " Whatever. " Barbara mumbled.


~ Melinda's POV~

     "Help!! Can anyone hear me!? Please!"

      God works in mysterious ways. First, someone tries to kill me by pushing me off a cliff and then I'm saved by a small branch,now I'm hanging off the side of said cliff. What a cliche way to go.


     "Hello? Help me! Please!" I cried out.

     "Hi?" An unknown voice called from above me.

     "W-who are you?" I asked the stranger in confusion. Tall, dark haired with bright green eyes;so bright that it was almost unnatural.

     "I'm Lucy."

     "You know what, introductions later,help me." I waved off.

     " Right." She nodded before bending over the edge of the cliff.
"I can't reach! Stretch out your arm!" She commanded,our fingers barely touching.

     "I can't! I'm going to fall off." I called back drawing my hand back.


    " Oh God! Lucy!? The branch is cracking!" I cried gripping unto it in fear.

     I don't want to go like this!!

    "I still can't reach you! Let go of the branch with one hand!" She said.

     " I-I can't! I can't do it! I'm scared!" I whimpered.

     * Crack!*

     " There's nothing you can do." I whispered. A small,sad smile crossing my face.

     Even if she saves me now, Forrest is just going to keep trying to kill me!

     "No! Let me get something or someone!"

     "Lucy! Don't! Please." I called. " I need you to do something me." I sniffled.

    " Anything." She called back.

    " If you find my friends,tell them that I love them all. That I'm really sorry for the kind of friend I was to them. I want you to look for Sarah. Tell her that Paris is in a good place. I want you to tell her,if possible, privately that Forrest killed her. That I'm sorry for hiding it from her all these while."

     " Okay..."

     " Also,if you make it out of this island,I want you to hold on to this. A sign of friendship." I cried ripping off my bracelet using my teeth before tossing it over to her.

     " There was a time it brought good luck to me. I hope it does the same for you." I smiled in relief when she caught it; barely.

     " A-are you sure?" She asked. " I-i can run really fast. I can get help."

     "No. It's my time to go. By the way Lucy,my name is Melinda." I smiled, letting go of the branch.


Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now