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~Stephan's POV~

     "Eric? I-I didn't mean to-" Barbara started.

     "Save it." He growled out, stomping into the cabin.

     It was quite spacious and kempt especially for one located in the middle of no where.

     "Thank God you guys are okay!" Robin said breaking the awkward silence.

     " How did you guys find this place?" Miranda asked in confusion, giving Robin a hug and Barbara a nod.

     "We woke up a few miles away." Barbara whispered.

    "Hey. Eric, let's check out the food supply! " Miranda said pulling Eric away from his sulking position at the entrance of the cabin.

     "Actually, we are almost out of supplies." Robin said bashfully. His face turning red in embarrassment.

     " No problem. We still have some supplies back at the beach, we can leave early tomorrow to get a few of them and make it back later in the evening. " I said.

     " Yeah, and since our food supply back at the beach is also quite low, maybe we should split up. Some people can go foraging and some can get the supplies. " Miranda continued.

     " True... " I reasoned." Okay then, Miranda would go with Eric back to the beach while Robin, Barbara and I will go foraging. "

     " Why does Eric have to go with her? " Barbara growled in distaste.

     " Because she is the best at fishing and I won't want to leave my friend in an awkward situation." I rolled my eyes at her, giving Eric a nod which he returned with a small smile.

     "Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

     "So, we meet here tomorrow evening? "Robin asked.

    " Yes. " I nodded in confirmation.

     " I'm going to bed. I am wiped!" Miranda chuckled walking further down the cabin to check out the rooms.

    " I'm going too." Eric murmured.

     "Sure. Good night guys." Robin said.

     "Why must they do everything together!?" Barbara murmured in anger.


      I think this would be the very first author's note? I'm not sure...
But anyways, it came to my notice that I skipped this chapter.
So, to those who it may concern, I'm very sorry for the confusion.

                                Your's sincerely,

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now