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Day 13

* Near the rocky part of the island*

~ Third person's POV~

     From our point of view,we can see a towering figure not to far away from the shores crouching over a dark small figure;or an animal?

     The dark figure keeps slamming down forcefully into the smaller figure.

     It is quite unsettling and unclear from our point of view but maybe the third figure hiding behind the bushes has a clearer view...

~ Sarah's POV~

     "I think I have finally lost it. I can almost smell barbeque roasting on the grill." I groaned in hunger almost forgetting about the nerve numbing pain in my right ankle.

     "Then we both must be delusional or poisoned from the coconut water because I can smell it too!" Victoria replied sniffing the air like an animal.

     " God, what I would do for some meat right now! Infact, what I would do for anything other than coconut.....roasted or otherwise!" I moaned in hunger and pain.

     Victoria and I thought roasting the coconuts would taste better turns out we were wrong. We were very wrong!

     "Amen sister!" Victoria cried throwing her hands up dramatically.

     "Smoke? Oh my God! I see smoke!" She continued, yelling in her happiness.

     "What?" I asked I confusion." Where? Show me!"

     "We are saved! There is someone else on the island with us!" She continued to cry.

     " Where is it?! I can't see it!" I growled in anger trying to turn around without moving my injured ankle.

     "Behind you dumb-dumb." Victoria growled back, forcefully turning me around causing me to yelp in pain.

     Dumb-dumb? What is she,five?

     "Smoke!" I yelled in happiness.

     "Yeah... already have that cleared out."

     "Whatever. Let's go over there!" I said reaching for my long stick which I've been using as a walking stick.


     "Forrest?"  Victoria called in confusion.

     I looked over her shoulder to see Forrest sitting beside a fire with meat roasting over it.

     "Forrest!" I yelled in happiness, wobbling over as fast as I could.

     " Sarah!" He yelled back in happiness, rushing over to help me.

      "Of course. Everyone should just ignore the potato over here." Victoria murmured sarcastically.

      " Hey Vic." Forrest chuckled causing me to blush.

      Eek!! I love his laugh!

     "I hope that you are hungry." He continued as he helped me to a log of wood.

     "Famished actually." I moaned.

     "Good thing the food is ready." He smiled.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now