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Day 10

~Robin's POV~

      "We have been here for days now! Let us go and search for other survivors! They might not be as fortunate as we are!" I yelled in frustration.

     " Why should we risk our lifes for them? For all we know,those nobodies could be dead!" Barbara yelled back at me.

     " For your information,those nobodies include your boyfriend and my sister!" I growled back.

     " Boyfriend? Sister?!" She scoffed in disbelief. " Your sister as treated you like trash all your life, and Eric? He is more of a lackey than a boyfriend. I'm just using him. Once I'm done with him,another guy would come crawling into arms!" She continued.

      " Disgusting!"

      "Wow! How unbelievable!" I gaped in shock. "You know,I always thought that the reason you had so many haters was because they didn't understand you. I guess I was the only one that couldn't see through your facade."

      " Whatever." She waved off plopping onto the couch.

      After the plane crash, Barbara and I woke up a few miles from this cabin with few scraps here and there.

      We were very lucky.

      About two days after the crash and we had found the cabin,I suggested we went out looking for the rest but Barbara kept making up excuses.

     "I can't walk too far!" She had whined.

     "This place could be crawling with wild animals." She would continue.

     " They could even be dead." She would murmur.

     But I didn't want to rush into unknown territory especially when I had no one watching my back.

     It has been a week now and she still hadn't changed her mind.

     I would rather die than live the rest of my life stuck with this monster!

~Miranda's POV~

     Turns out the buzzing sound we were hearing was coming from a solar powered electric fence.

      We had gone through the fence at one end that was wide open;maybe they couldn't get enough material to complete the fence...

     The cabin was not very appealing to the eyes from the amount of shrubbery on it and the battle scars it bore from the elements,but it was standing.

     "Eric? He is more of a lackey than a boyfriend! I'm just using him,once I'm done with him, another guy would come crawling into my arms!" A female voice shouted from inside the cabin.

    I turned to face a frozen Eric. He was already pale from shock.

    I really pity him but I'm kind of happy that he would no longer be in such a toxic relationship.

     Stephan looked at me with wide eyes before nodding at the door.

     Nodding in understanding,I knocked on the door.

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