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~ Victoria's POV~

     "If we ever make it off of this island,you should definitely become a chef!" I moaned in delight at the taste of the meat. " I don't know how you did it,but this is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!" I continued, stuffing my face.

     "It is actually quite bland,it's just your body processing the information wrongly due to the fact that you have been starving for days." Forrest replied with a shrug.

     " Whatever Einstein."

     " I feel kind of sad though." Sarah murmured.

     " Why would you be sad? Look at this,meat! Real one." I exclaimed in confusion.

     " Yes Vic,I know it's real meat." She chuckled dryly. " I'm just wondering what the others are going through right now. Have they eaten? Are they even alive? And most importantly,how is Paris doing? Is she hurt?" She continued.

     " E-excuse me." Forrest whispered dropping the piece of wood he had been using to prod the flames.

    "Look what you did now!" I glared at her.

     "What?I just stated what we were all thinking." She glared back.

~Miranda's POV~

     " Okay,I'm going to count to three,you will remove your foot and run." Stephan explained for the umpteenth time.

     " Okay. I understand. But do I remove my leg on three or after three?" Andrew asked.

     "On three!" Stephan snapped.

     " Right. Sorry."

     " Pass the stone." Stephan motioned at Eric." Ready?"

     "Not really." Andrew whimpered.

     "Okay,on three. One... two... three!" Stephan continued ignoring his brother.

     I don't really know what happened. All I know is that immediately I heard three come out of Stephan's mouth,I ran for my life.

     And I was still running.

     Wait! There wasn't an explosion...

     Pausing in confusion,I turned around to see the guys also turning back in confusion.

     Cautiously,we walked back to the weapon.

     "What happened? Did you place the stone on it?" I asked in confusion.

    Even though we had made the plan,we were 70% sure that it wouldn't work.

     "Actually...., I don't even think the stone was heavy enough." Stephan shrugged in confusion.

     Picking up a long stick,Robin poked the rock off the potential weapon.

     "Guys,it wasn't a land mine." Robin chuckled in disbelief.

     " What? What is it?" Andrew asked moving towards Robin's crouched position.

    "It's just a piece of charred rock." Robin replied.

     " Seriously! How could you think it was a land mine?!" I growled in anger at Andrew.

    " Hey! It was a survivor's instinct okay!" Andrew replied,his hands raised in surrender.

    " Let's just go back to the cabin." Eric laughed.

    " Yeah,this place smells really funky." Robin replied scrunching up his face in disgust.

    "I may or may not have peed around the land mine area." Andrew grinned goofily.

    " Eww! Dude!" Robin yelled in disbelief and disgust.

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now