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~ Victoria's POV~

     "The wind is too strong! We need more fire or something to fuel it!" Robin yelled over the wind.

     I don't like this one bit! If we miss the plane,it would be because of Robin's sluggishness and Sarah's whining.

     "Give it to me!" I growled yanking the torch out of his hand. "Get more fuel." I commanded.

    "Victoria be careful! This rock isn't that safe!" Stephan yelled from beneath the rock.

     They were using a makeshift torch as a signal to try and get as much smoke as high as possible.

     I know what I'm doing!

     "The plane is getting closer!" Forrest yelled from his position.

     Turns out the plane was just cruising round the area. An educated guess would be that it was a test flight.

    Although we don't know the size of the plane,we can still get them to get another plane to the island through a dispatch call.

     We later realized this after arguing about how to get their attention. So, we had enough time to get to the rocky parts of the beach to get a signal out.

     We aren't really sure if we can get their attention.

     Barbara, Sarah, Melinda and Miranda went back to the beach to try and create a backup signal incase this one fails.

    It won't.


~ Barbara's POV~
    "Are you stupid or something?! I said an 's' not a '5'! Can you even write!" I growled at Miranda.

     We were trying to create a giant 'SOS' signal using leaves and branches but with the idiot group I was put into and the strong wind currents,we have gotten no work done!

     "You don't have to be rude." Melinda whispered under her breathe.

     "No one was talking to you pipsqueak!"

    "Seriously Barbs what is your problem! It's not like anyone really cares if the top of the signal is straight or curved. And would it hurt to be nice for once!" Miranda growled back at me.

     " Don't. Call. Me. That." I gritted out. Only Eric has the right to call me that!

     "You know what!! I am sick and tired of your constant complains and arguments!" Sarah burst out out of frustration.

     We both turned to her in shock.

     "I just want to find Paris and get back home okay! So,can you both just work together till then!? Please!" She begged.

    Huh! Now she's crying.

    " I'm so sorry Sarah." Miranda mumbled still glaring at me.

   Suck up. I thought with a scoff.

    "Fine. Whatever but-." I started.

     "Guys! Guys!" Melinda yelled.

     " What!?" I snapped.

     " The plane... It's gone."

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