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     "Bring it home!!!" Stephan Walker yelled over the music as he and his twin; Andrew played the last chord to their song.

     "Bravo! Awesome!" Michael, their manager exclaimed. Walking into the studio with a file under his left armpit.

     "Have I ever told you two that..." He continued.

     "Everytime I see you two singing, I imagine Beyoncè and Michael Jackson having a set of twins with a dash of Whitney Houston and a sprinkle of Justin Bieber!" The twins sang along with Michael.

     " You say that almost everytime you see us playing." Andrew said seeing the shock on Michael's face.

     " Well it's kinda true!" Michael shrugged.

     " What do have there?" Stephan nodded at the file Michael was now holding in his hand.

     " That's exactly what brought me here." Michael said waving them over to sit down.

     " So you aren't here because you miss your little superstars?" Andrew asked making kissy faces.

     " No,I'm afraid not." Michael rolled eyes. "I have good news and bad news actually." He continued.

     " Hold on." Stephan said before Michael could continue further.

     " Yo! V, could you get us some lemonades. Thanks!" Stephan called after Vivian; Michael's assistant.

     Vivian was a very beautiful woman who had been crushing hard on Stephan from the first day she had set her eyes on him.

     Even Andrew knew.

     Andrew could remember the day he asked Vivian why she was so into his twin. Her response was very unexpected.

     To Vivian, Stephan was a drop of gumdrop and his dimples were so cute and he was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

     Andrew was confused and told her as a matter of fact that they were twins but she shook her head in disagreement saying," I don't see it."

     " So, what should I reveal first, the good news or the bad news?" Michael asked secretly hoping they would go for the good news.

     " Good news!" The twins answered in synchrony.

     "You guys were invited to the red carpet!!" Michael smiled making jazz hands.

     "Okay...and the bad news?" Andrew asked.

     "You know how some celebrities are made to travel together?" Michael asked.

    The twins looked at each in confusion then nodded.

    " Medusa is one of them." Michael revealed using Andrew's ex-girlfriend; Melinda's nickname which was given to her by Stephan.

     "What!?" Andrew growled in anger jumping up from his seat, scaring Vivian who coincidentally walked into the room.

     "And there is another person...." Michael continued in hesitation, playing with his fingers.

     " Seriously!! What could be worse than that?" Stephan asked nodding in thanks at Vivian for the drinks.

     "Forrest. Forrest Maxwell is much worse." Michael finished making the twins drop their cups in shock.


     "What do you mean by Paris would be on the show?" Sarah asked in shock,slowing down her threadmill to a halt.

     "Well you know how Mr President is about his daughter's wishes. So,I had no choice!" Carolina shrugged taking a sip from her smoothie.

     Carolina loved her job. She was getting richer just by managing her best friend! Best life ever!!

     "Can you please get my uncle on the phone? This is getting way out of hand! I don't know what he is thinking!" Sarah ranted.

     " I think you do know what he is thinking. Girl, you have known for years." Carolina sang.

     " Don't sass me Carol!"Sarah groaned walking off her muscle fatigue.

     "You love me and my sass." Carolina smirked, pushing the phone into her friend's face.

     "I do." Sarah mouthed at her smirking friend.

     "Sarah! What do I owe the honour?" Herbert asked in shock.

     Well,she wasn't surprised by his welcome gesture or shock. It has been years since they last spoke with each other or even set eyes on one another.

     "Uncle Herbert. Nice to hear your voice,Mr President."

     " Is this Sarah? Why did you really call me? I know for sure that it isn't to comment on my musical voice." Herbert said.

     " Hardy har har. Ever the comedian uncle H and you know exactly why I'm calling."

     " I seriously don't Sarah. I don't have time for guessing games!" Herbert stated.

     " Oh,you don't?" Sarah asked sarcastically before slapping Caroline at the back of her head when she increased the volume to the movie she was watching.

     "Is that Carol? Tell her I said hi."

    "I will but don't try to change the subject!"

     "Does it have anything to do with a red carpet show?" He sighed in defeat.

     " Yes it does! What were you thinking signing her up for such!"

     " You know I'd do anything for her. Especially after Rose..."

     " Yeah...I know."

     " Just,please. Watch her for me would you? Herbert pleaded.

     " You know I would uncle H."

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