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Day 27

~ Eric's POV ~

     It has been a week since the airplane incident and we still haven't found Paris yet!

     Sarah fell into depression and she is now a shell of her former self.

     Everyone has been going around trying to take shifts in taking care of her but it seems like we have also lost hope.

     No plane has cruised through this area since then.

     We decided to stay at the beach as it had a better visibility for incoming "help" and it was closer to a food source.

    " And Jesus told the story of the lost sheep to His disciples. He explained to them about a Shepard who had one hundred sheep and when one of them went missing, he keep the other nighty-nine and went out in search of that lost sheep. He didn't rest until he brought the sheep back home. " Stephan smiled from his seat.

     We were all seated around the fire. Resting from another day and preparing for the next.

     "That is a very stupid story." Miranda said.

     "Why did you say that?" Andrew and Stephan asked at the same time.

     Twin sync. They mouthed at each other in silent laughter causing me to chuckle under my breathe.

     " Why leave behind nighty-nine for just one? I mean, if you need more sheep, just breed the others, no biggie. " She reasoned.

     Stephan chuckled at her response before nodding at his brother.

     "Look at our situation for instance," Andrew started. "We are but a few in the millions of people that live on Earth snd yet some people are out there slaving their time and energy just for our sakes! "

     " I mean yeah, it's their work." She shrugged.

     " Yes it is, but that doesn't mean they are obliged to do it. Sometimes, we avoid doing somethings because we feel it isn't worth our time or it is going to be stressful. " Stephan cuts in.

     " Yeah. Yeah,that's actually right."

     "That lost sheep in the parable was a soul. A Christian that had lost their ways to sin, or even an unbeliever. The Shepard is God, our father. " Stephan paused. " Jesus was trying to tell us that no matter how far you might go from Him, He would always welcome you back with open arms. " He smiled.

     " Would He really do that?" Miranda asked.

     "Of course!" Andrew smiled.

     "Even if I never asked for forgiveness for all the wrongs I have done and had never attended a church service since secondary school? Even though I continued to masturbate when I knew it was a sin." She whimpered.

     Oh God! She confessed! I could never do that! I use this avenue to ask for forgiveness oh Lord!

     "Even if." Stephan smiled." All you need to do is confess your sins, ask for forgiveness and welcome Him back into your life!"

     " C-can you help me? "

     " Let us pray. "

     Moving closer to them, I held hands with Andrew who in turn held hands with his brother and the rest joined in to form a prayer circle.

     "Excuse me." Forrest murmured walking away.

     With a small smile, Andrew started. "Heavenly father..."


~ Forrest's POV~

     No matter.... He would always welcome you!

     How would anyone forgive me for what I did!? What I did can never be forgiven!

    I need to get off this island before it's too late... Before anybody finds out!

   But first, I need to take care of Melinda. I cannot let her reveal my secret.

It's your author doing a little peeking to see how you all are doing!😌

I'm falling in love with Stephan and yeah,I know he isn't real!😣

To anyone out there that is in a shaky relationship with God,I want to use this opportunity to tell you that He loves you!
And He wants you back in the family!! Do not fall deeper into temptation,go to Him in prayers!

If you by chance need prayer assistance or Bible study help. You know the author you can talk to. 🤪

I might be goofy and all, but when it comes to serious situations,I can stand my ground! So, don't be fooled by my happy-go-lucky personality.😂

Just slid into my DM and let us roll!

And scene!! That's a wrap baby!

Lucy: The last survivor ✅| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now