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Makenzie Parks

Wal-MartMemphis, Tennessee

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Memphis, Tennessee.

"Kenzie! You have another delivery order!"

I sighed slowly pulling myself up from the wooden stool. My coffin nails tapping the counter rapidly as I leaned forward. I was beyond tired, but my relief didn't come in yet so here I am once again. Delivering groceries to lazy ass people who has the abilities to get up and drive.

"Here." My co worker Rasia said as she sat the bag on the counter. The bag was nearly torn, but it didn't seem to phase her. Rolling my eyes to the ceiling, I grabbed a new bag and repacked the groceries. After a minute or so, I was done.

Grabbing the bag, I snatched my keys to my Dad's pick up truck in fury. I hated this job, I hated doing anything besides sleeping. Why can't I make money by just laying in the bed? Better yet, make money laying in the bed sleeping.

Sounds fun.


"Yes?" I raised my brow slightly as Rasia ran up to me.

"You can go straight home afterwards, Donna said you can keep the money as well."

I gave her a simple nod before grabbing my belongings. I was more than tired, plus my feet were killing me. I skipped out of Wal-Mart with a slight grin on my face. I could finally go home and relax after this. Just lay in my bed and sleep the night away.


"What do you mean it's my turn to wash the dishes? I've literally been at work all day long and have to come home to this?" I argued with my Dad in disbelief.

He sighed, "Mak, everyone has specific days. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays are yours. Wednesdays are Machai's, and Friday's are mines."

"Dad that's unfair! Just because I'm the only girl in this house means that I have to do all the chores!" I stomped feeling myself get a bit upset.

"Do it." He said sternly before he turned to leave out the kitchen. I shook my head before walking over to my purse. I pulled my earbuds out and placed them in my ears. I sat my phone in my back pocket before sighing.

"Siri." I called causing her to speak back to me, "Play 2014 Forest Hills Drive."

I began to wash the dishes letting J Cole's voice sing softly in my ears. I could feel myself smiling. I loved this man, I loved his music. J Cole keeps me sane, just listening to his storytelling and lyrics soothe my soul. His music is always here for me whenever I feel down.

Do you wanna, do you wanna be
Do you wanna, do you wanna be
Do you wanna, do you wanna be, happy
Do you wanna, do you wanna be, happy
Do you wanna be, happy
Do you wanna, do you wanna be, happy
I said do you wanna, do you wanna be, happy
I said do you wanna, do you wanna be, free?

I was so lost in my music that I didn't realize my brother had came home. Seeing him standing in the doorway, I removed one earbud from my ear.

"Hey." He said causing me to wave at him. I watched him walk over to the sink scooting me over just a bit. I smiled at him before he did the same. "It's a team effort."

I gave him an earbud and put the other in my ear. I restarted the song as we continued to wash the dishes together. Machai was literally my best friend in a way. I had other friends, but it's something about your sibling being your friend. It just hits different, to know that you have someone who loves you and will be there for you no matter what.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Makenzie Parks. I'm nineteen years old and I live with my Dad and my brother. Just two years ago, I lost my mom to gun violence. That day of watching my mom die will forever haunt me. She didn't even deserve it, she was just checking the mailbox.

My Dad, Steven Parks, works as a cashier at the local superstore. He lost his job the same day mom was murdered, how ironic. As far as my brother goes, he's doing what the normal men in Memphis do. Sell a couple dime bags in exchange for money.

Don't let our jobs fool you, we're not broke. We don't live in section 8 housing either. We're the typical middle class family. Four bedroom house, a family dog, and we even have a treehouse that neither of us use anymore. It's basically just there for decoration, as it has been for six years.

"Sha coming over here." Mac said causing me to sigh. He chuckled a bit before shaking his head. "Why can't y'all get along?"

"He's just not my type of dude. Let's hurry up so I can be in my room by the time he gets here." I mumbled.

Mac shook his head, "What's the real reason you dislike him Kenz?"

"Honestly Mac, I don't know why you keep him around. All he does is come over here and eat all our food and use our utilities. He never helps us clean up, and he always seems to have a problem with me. It's just so exhausting, plus he's such an attention seeker." I said truthfully.

"You know how him and his mother is though. Every other day she puts him out and I can't be that type of friend Kenz. This is someone who I grew up with everyday. You should be used to him by now."

I finished up drying the dishes off and Mac handed me my earbud. I pressed pause on my music before walking off. I love my brother, but he could choose better friends. All of them are literally stupid and ignorant. Machai is the opposite, he's actually smart and actually wants to be successful in life.

"Kenz are you upset?" Mac asked helping me put the dishes up in the cabinets.

I shook my head, "No, just tired."

Which was true, I worked an eight hour shift today. Usually I work at least five tops, but I had to pull a few hours for a co worker. I mean, I could use the extra money. College isn't cheap and I have two more extra years. Wish I qualified for a university, but community would do just the job.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. Machai made his way through the living room to open the front door. I turned around and started putting up the rest of the dishes.

"Wassup man."


I lifted my head slightly seeing Sha holding his bags. This happened every other week. He'd sleep over here and then his mama would call him home. He'd go back, they'd argue and he'll be right back over here. Shamir was the low of the low, in school and as a person.

Just plain dumb, never seen anything like it.

"Wassup Kenzie." Sha nodded his head towards me. "You on the dance team at Nashville?"

I just stared at him, he's such a damn asshole. I go to a community college and he knows we don't have a dance team. I remember crying about not getting into a university with him being here. Shamir does slick shit, like honestly. He always wants a reaction out of me.

"You just turned twenty last month right? Have you thought about you know, getting a job? Plus don't worry about me Sha, you could never make me feel bad. I have a high school diploma unlike you. I can't argue with someone who's not even close to my level."

"What's your level?" Sha laughed, "Yo I'm not about to argue with you Kenzie."

"Don't y'all start." Machai jumped in.

"I'm not, I just be joking. I'ma head to bed though man. Goodnight y'all." Sha said picking up his bags before running upstairs. I looked over at Machai and he just laughed at me.

"Y'all crazy."

"No he's crazy, always tryna be funny." I said cutting the kitchen light out. Machai just laughed as he threw his arm around me. We both laughed at each other before we walked upstairs in a comfortable silence.

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