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Makenzie Parks

November 25, 2021

"Makenzie come on, they wanna say grace."

"I'm coming!" I yelled from my bedroom.

I placed the waist trainer on and looked in the mirror. I pulled the hoodie over my head and looked in the mirror to make sure that nothing was showing. My stomach wasn't as small anymore, and it was visible when I had on regular clothes. I don't know how long I plan to hide it, but it's been working so far.

I opened my bedroom door and headed downstairs to the dining room. Sha, Mac and Dad sat at the table waiting as I sat down. We bowed our heads and let my dad lead with a prayer.

"Amen." We all said once he finished.

We all fixed our plates an ate silently. Things were still pretty awkward. I had came home just a week before and Mac still hasn't said one word to me. My Dad on the other hand has been extremely nice for some odd reason.

"So, how's everything been going?" My Dad broke the silence.

"Okay." I took a bite of my food and he nodded his head.

"Shamir, how's everything with you and Alexis? How's the apartment?"

Sha cleared his throat, "Oh we straight. The apartment good and shit like that, just gotta get moms up out the crib. She blowing me."

"Your mom moved in with you?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Alexis let her come live with us and shit. We don't speak to each other or nun like that, just coexisting basically." He shrugged.

"Well I hope you can mend your relationship with her. A mother's love is like no other." My Dad said and Sha made an 'I don't care' face.


"Mac you alright? You ain't said one word." My Dad said causing us to look at him.

"I'm good." He shrugged, "I just can't be fake right now so i'ma just let y'all do the talking."

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling before pulling my phone out. I had a few text messages from Kash so I took this as an opportunity to respond to them.

Happy Thanksgiving

My baby straight? You
aight? They ain't hittin'
you is it?

You still gon come over

Happy Thanksgiving
babe 😣💓 And yesss
we're fine. I might but
idk it depends on if my
Dad let's me leave.

Bet. 🖤

"No phones at the dinner table, come on y'all." My Dad sighed, "Can we just go around the table and say what we're thankful for?"


"Please Machai?" My Dad pleaded and Mac sighed.


"Anyone wanna go first?" My Dad asked looking around the table. We were all silent before Shamir kissed his teeth.

"I'll go. I'm thankful for being alive right now, thankful for Alexis and my place, and thankful that y'all took me in and treated me like family. I really appreciate that shit because I would've been alone last Thanksgiving if y'all hadn't of invited me over." Shamir spoke and I smiled a bit.

"We appreciate you too." My Dad said and Mac and I nodded in agreement.

"I'll go," I volunteered, "I'm thankful for all of you guys first and foremost. I'm thankful for being able to get up every morning and see you guys and for um, ya know, other things and other people. All of my friends and siblings and that's it."

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