Chapter 3

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I bolt out of bed and get dressed. Today is the day! I finally get to leave! I put on light jean shorts, a fitted white crop top and baggy grey cardagain that goes down to me knees. I throw on my Vans and grab my suitcases. I text Aniya and Ashley to meet at the airport and run out of the houe before my parents can stop me. I made sure that my room was empty before I left. It may sound bitchy but I don't want my parents having anythng of mine. I don't care about the stuff from my childhood, just the things I still use.

I'm walking to the airport, it's not close but it's close enough to walk to. Anyway I'm walking with my suit case and carryon trailing behind me when a familiar truck pulls up next to me. I ignore it but pick up my pace a little.

"Chloe! Wait!" I hear a voice-that I can't quiet place- say.

"What?" I ask turning around and I see Jacob.

"Where are you going?"

"To hell." I deadpan.

"That's not funny."

"Your right. I'm going to the airport so I can leave hell."

"What? Your walking two miles to the airport?"

"Yeah. Now if you would excuse me, I have to go before I have no chance of making my flight."

"Let me drive you."


"I'm driving you."

"Fine but I'm riding in the back."


"You know the trunk? Cargo area? Huge storage space where you have probably had sex with girls in?"

"I get it! And for the record your the only girl who I have taken on a date where we have gone to the back." He says with a wink and sly smirk. I hit his arm and put my stuff in the back and hop in.

He climbs in the front and starts to drive towards he airport. I forgot how much I loved the warm wind in my hair and the weightless feeling, almost like I'm flying. I guess that's one thing I'll miss. That's probably it though. I have to admit that I'm glad Jacob gave me a ride and let me ride in the back like old times. Chloe, stop right there! He's an asshole. He just so happens to be nice once in awhile. That's all he is.

"Thanks." I say as Jacob helps get my stuff out of the pickup.

"Yeah. Listen Chloe. I really like you. I messed up and I wish I could take it back but I can't. Can we start over when you get back?"

"Well first off I'm never coming back to this hell-hole. And second, I wouldn't want to get back together with you if the world depended on it. Thanks for the ride." I say and walk off.

"There you are!" Ashley exclaims.

"What took you so long?" Aniya asks.

"Well I started walking then got a ride about half way." I explain.

"Your par- Ow!" Ashley says as Aniya elbows her.

"It's fine. And my parents don't even know I'm leaving. Like they would care anyway." I say in response.

"Sorry. I forgot." Ash says.

"It's whatever." I say shrugging it off.

"Hey at least we get to live in New York!" Aniya cuts in.

"I know! I'm super excited!" Ash and I say.

A few hours later in New York

"We're really here!" I exclaim as we wait for our luggage.

"This is so exciting!" Aniya says.

"This is so cool." Ashley adds.

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