Chapter 24

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"Why did you stop drawing?" Daniel asks me the next day.

"First of all, learn to knock. Second of all, I told why. The only people who ever supported me died. I don't have a reason to draw anymore."

"Do you really think that this is what they would have wanted? Do you really think they would have wanted you to give up just because they aren't here? They would be disappointed in you Chloe."

"You didn't know them! You'll never know them like I did! Get out of my house!" I scream at him.

"But I'm your brother!" He says shocked.

"I said get the fuck out!" He doesn't say anything more and walks out the door.

Okay, so maybe I overreacted. Oops? I blame the hormones.

"Chlo, I don't want to anger you, but where did Daniel go? I heard you two yelling yelling, then a door closed." Drew says stepping into the room.

"I yell at him to get out and he did. I don't know where he went."

"Chloe, he's your brother. You can't just kick him out like that." He's trying really hard not to yell at me right now.

"You don't think I know that? That's all anyone has been talking about since he showed up. Never mind what I want or need. Nope, I have a brother so let's just focus on that, yeah?" I say tears threatening to fall.

"Chlo, I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were doing that. I promise that I'll pay more attention to you. Baby, I'm so, so sorry."

"Yeah, I know. Just go find him." I say and turn on the t.v.

I hear Drew sigh, then the door open and close. I let the tears fall. It's probably just the hormones, but it just feels like everything has changed and it all start with the death of my grandparents. I can't drink, I can't do anything I would have 6 months ago to feel better all because of this stupid baby.

Wait, I can still-

No! No, you swore you would never do that again. Not after your grandparents died.

I go to where I hid my art supplies and take them out. I walk back to the couch and start to draw.

What are you doing? Stop! You can't draw!

It's too late. I am and it feels great.

I look down at the paper, everything is in dark colors. I see a crying girl holding a baby on one side. On the other side, there're two boys talking. In the middle is a wall separating the girl and baby from the boys.

The door flies open and in walks Drew and Daniel. They both stop dead in their tracks once they see me. Why, you may ask. Well, I'm drawing and I'm sure my face is red from crying. Anyway, Drew runs over to me and pulls me into a hug while Daniel grabs my sketch book and looks at what I drew.

"Chloe, what's this?" Daniel asks holding the paper up.

"It's just a stupid drawing. Don't worry about it." I try to brush it off but Drew won't let that happen.

"Chloe, I know you. You draw what you see. You also draw what you feel. This isn't nothing. You need to talk to me. You need to talk to us."

"It's nothing! It's just a stupid doodle. Now let it go!" I say and storm out of the room.

"Don't you do this to me. Not again. I lost you once, I'm not loosing you again! Fucking talk to me, Chloe!" Drew yells.

"I cant! Don't you see that! I can't talk to anyone! God Drew! I thought you would've figured that out by now!"

I grab one of my bags from the closet and start to throw clothes into it. I ignore him as he asks what I'm doing. I pick up my bags and head to the door.

"Where are you going!" Drew yells after me.

"I'm going home!' I yell at him.

"What do you mean 'home'?"

"I haven't decided yet." I snap and slam the door.

Now do I go to Royals or Colorado?

******Don't kill me! I know that they can't fight blah blah blah. But they did and yes Chloe is moving out of Drew's apartment. No I don't know if she's going to Colorado or just to Royals. So I'm sorry this is a short chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always......




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