Chapter 15

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We stayed in Colorado for another month before heading home. I didn't want to go back, but I have so much waiting for me. After we said goodbye to everyone we left for the airport.

"I know you wanted to stay, but you hated this place and told me that you had never wanted to come back. Now look at you. You don't want to leave the place you ran from almost a year ago. Chloe, I love you, but sometimes I just don't understand you." Drew says on the plane ride home.

"Sorry." Is all I say.

"Talk to me! Goddammit Chloe. I just want you to talk to me. Really talk to me like you did before you came here. I miss you."

"I'm sorry Drew. I'm just... I don't know. Can we please not fight on here. Wait till we get home please."

With that we didn't talk until we stepped into my apartment. I walk straight to my room and start to unpack. I can't believe I was there for 6 months. I wonder what I missed.

"Chloe can we talk now?" Drew asks walking into my room.

"Yeah sure. Go ahead and tell me how much you miss me. Tell me all the things that you wish I still did. I love you I really do but you can't expect me to get over the loss of my grandparents. For god sakes they're the whole reason I did anything!" I yell at him.

"No Chloe! You did all of it yourself! They just told you that you could! You made the choice, you did everything you did, you did it not them!"

"I can't believe you! I never would have left of it weren't for them. Yes I did all those things but they're the reasons behind all of them!" I scream at him.

"I never said they weren't! Dammit Chloe!"

"You know what just get out!"

"What?" Shock was written all over his face.

"You heard me. Get the fuck out now." I stay calm until leaves.

What do I do? I can't talk to Royal about this. It's her cousin, she wouldn't understand. Aniya is busy working and I don't want to bother her. I pull out my phone and call the shop (B.O.R.N, where I work) and Terry picks up.

"Hello, this B.O.R.N. Terry speaking. How may I help you?" He says picking up.

"Terry, I messed. Like really bad. I think Drew and I might break up."

*** Don't kill me! I know you're mad that this is so short but again my computer is broken. It should be fixed soon though! I have really bad excuses I know, but I'm sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always....




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