Chapter 28-Epilogue

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6 years later

The past 6 years have been crazy. About 2 years after we had Parker, I got pregnant again with a baby girl we named Amy Elizabeth McKinnon. I have to say that she is adorable. Parker wanted to send her back at first but now the two are almost never apart. Drew and I are engaged as of last year and are planning the wedding for the coming summer.

As for me, I kept drawing and I still work at B.O.R.N. Royal and Aniya are always are the kids and so we talk quite a bit. I got used to the whole mom thing and I think I'm a pretty good mom so far. I may or may not be too protective though.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" Drew asks snapping me from my thoughts.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking about how far we've come."

"Yeah, it's all really crazy. Oh and Parker's picking on Amy again. He refuses to listen to me. Can you try?" Drew practically begs.

"Yeah, I'll try to talk to him." I get up and go to the living room and see my baby girl crying.

"Hi mommy!" Parker tries to look as cute as possible.

"Parker, can I talk to you?"

"Yes mommy." He hangs his head as he walks out of the room.

"Amy, go to dad, he'll make you feel better, okay?" She nods and runs off to Drew.

"Parker John McKinnon, how many ti mes do I have to you not to pick on your sister! You're supposed to make her laugh not cry!"

"But mom, she was being mean, she took my toys and wouldn't give them back!" Parker argues.

"That is no excuse Parker. Now go to your room for time out. I'll be up in a minute to take your toys out." I scold.

"But mo-"

"No buts mister, go to your room now!" I say sternly and go to find Drew and Amy.

"Hey baby girl. All better?" I ask Amy when I find them in the kitchen.

"Yeah! Daddy is making me a smoothie!" She excitedly says.

"Wow, what flavor?"

"Bwueberry with bananas!"

"That sounds delicious! I have to go check on Parker but I'll be back in minute."

"Okay mommy!"

 I go up to Parker's room and see him pouting on his bed. I don't say a word as I pick up his toys and put them in the closet where he can't reach. I leave the room once I finish and rejoin Drew and Amy in the kitchen. Drew, knowing me, made enough smoothing for both Amy and me.

"I love you." I say to Drew.

"I love you, too." He says back.

"What about me?" Amy pouts.

"I love you too you little munchkin!" I say going over and kissing her head.

"I love you baby girl." Drew says hugging her.

I can't imagine my life any different. I'm not sure I want anything to change. I mean, I have two amazing kids and a great fiance. Life can't get much better than this. I just hope it lasts, but I don't think I have to worry much about that, especially with Drew around.

********Hai! So yes, this is the final chapter of Running from the Pain. I loved writing this story and it's sad that it's ending. Maybe I'll do bonus chapters in the future. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always.....




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