Chapter 10

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God I can't believe I said it. Only three months and I told Drew I love him! What's wrong with me?

"Hey Chlo. What's up?" Royal asks walking into the kitchen. I never told what happened last night.

"Oh nothing. Just waiting for Drew to get here."

"Fun. Aniya wanted me to tell you that she had to go in early and will be back late."

"Okay. Cool. So what are you doing today?"

"Working. I'll probably catch up with Drew later tonight. You can come along if you want."

"No it's fine. I'll stay here and just draw or something. You should have some time with your cousin."

"Alright. Well, I have to go. Have fun here all alone."

"I will!" I yell to her right before the door closes.

The apartment all to myself? This isn't a good idea. Why you may ask? Well, for starters I won't be able to talk to people so my mind will go to dark places. I may eat everything in the house, I barely trust myself to cook, and well, I don't have the best luck.

I hear knocking on the door. Not knowing what to expect, seeing as I'm not expecting anyone today. I was planning on watching tv since it's my day off. Still, I walk over and open the door.

"Hey!" Drew says once he sees me.

"Hi. Not to be rude or anything but why are you here?"

"Well I just came here to see you and ask my cousin what time we were going out."

I hold in a laugh from how weird it sounds. If you haven't caught on it sounds like he's going on a date with his cousin. He seems to caught on and glared at me while trying not to laugh.

"It's not my fault you phrased it like that." I defend and he walks in.

"What do you wanna do?"

"I was just going to watch tv and draw. You know just relax while not trying to cook and causing the building to go down in flames."

"Sounds like a plan. Oh yeah. Where is Royal?"

"You just missed her. She left a few minutes ago."

"Oh yeah she has to work."

"So you can do whatever. I'll be right back."

"Where you going?"

"To get something's from my room. Make yourself at home."

I walk to my room and grab my art kit, phone, and speaker. I walk out and see that Drew really did make himself at home. He's laying on the couch shirtless and channel surfing.

"You know how to get comfortable."

"I do indeed. Now come join me."

"I'm just going to draw instead."

"You can draw on the couch with me!"

We argue for another minute then I finally give. I walk over to the couch with my stuff and sit in his lap. I'm almost done with a drawing of our legs and feet intertwined, obviously the couch is in the picture too, when Drew starts to kiss my neck.

I try and get him to stop but he doesn't so I turn around and kiss him. We make out for a little bit then we just watch tv. We must be more tired than we realized cause next thing I know Royal walks through the door.

"Awe! How cute!" She says in a high pitched voice.

"What?" Drew says in a groggy voice. It's actually really sexy.

"Whenever you're ready we can leave." Royal says and heads to her room.

"You should go get ready." I tell and attempt to get up.

"All I have to do is throw on my shirt and shoes. We can stay like this a little longer." He mumbles tightening his grip on me.

Royal eventually drags him off the couch and he gets ready.

"See you later. Love you." Drew says to me before heading out the door.

"Love you too." I say back.

I hear Royal yell at Drew for not telling her that we love each other and question him. I on the other hand get all my stuff and go to my room.

I take a quick shower and ten get ready for bed. I know it's early but I'm really tired for some reason. So I just turn in for the night.

***Hey! I'm sorry this chapter is short. My laptop broke so I have to use my phone and it's a pain in the butt. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always...




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