Chapter 16

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I haven't talked to anyone much. I go to work everyday from the time the doors open until they close. Drew and I officially broke up and I've stopped drawing. I don't take pictures much either. I just live like everyone else.

I decided not to go to NYU. I mean I have a job and a place to live. I don't need college. Especially since I'm not drawing anymore.

"Go home Chloe. Take the day off. Make up with Drew. I can't keep having you work the storage room every time he's here. He's getting tired of working the register all the time." Jonathan says.

"I'm sorry. I can work wherever wen he comes in but I'm not taking a day off unless it's the holidays. I have nothing else to do." I tell him.

"Make friends and spend time with the friends you have. If you won't get back with Drew at least find a new guy. One that makes you happy like Drew did. One who you love. This is New York its full of people."

"I'm taking a break from guys and dating in general. I just need time."

"Am I working the register again?" I hear someone say as they walk in.


"Hello Drew." I say turning around.

"Hey Chloe." He responds. We just look at each other until Jonathan clears his throat.

He tells Drew to work wherever and then tells me the same. I decide to work the register as Drew puts stuff on the shelves. I see him look at me a lot but I ignore him.

A few costumers come in but it's a pretty slow day. Drew decides to try and talk. He asks how I've been and what I've been doing. I tell him I'm doing okay and have been working a lot.

"Have any new art you've been working on?"

"No. I stopped drawing." I say not meeting his eyes.

"What? Why?"

"My hearts just not in it anymore. It's no big deal."

"It is a big deal! You're an amazing artist and you shouldn't give up no matter what."

"Too late. I already did quit. Why do you care anyway! We haven't talked in, what, two months!" I yell.

"I still love you Chloe! I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I can see you cry almost every night! It kills me to see you like that!" He yells back.

"Don't do this Drew."

"Please forgive me. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you. I have since the moment I saw you at the airport when you first got here."

"Drew, I love you too." I say and start crying as he pulls my to his chest.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

***i know it's been forever since the last update. My laptop is still broken like it has been for about a month. Sorry it's a short chapter. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. As Always...




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