Chapter 12

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"Chloe over here!" I hear someone tell and look in the direction of the voice.

It's Jacob.

"You're picking me up?"

"Yeah, you're mom asked me to."

"I'm not getting in a car with you. I'll just call Ashley." I say. I promised Drew that I would stay away from Jacob.

"You can just sit in the bed of the truck. Just let me give you a ride and I'll leave you alone."

"Fine." I say and grab my bags. One ride can't hurt right?

I get in the bed of the truck with my bags and Jacob drives me to my old house. I thought I was staying with Ashley?

"Jacob why are we not at Ashley's?"

"Your parents wanted you to stay with them since it's a family thing. I thought you had known about that?"

"I do now. And I'm going to have a word with my parents." I say and storm into the house.

"What the hell? Why can't I stay with Ashley?" I yell walking into the living room.

"Well her family is going through a lot right now and it makes more sense that you stay with your parents when it's your grandparents we're talking about." Mom says.

"I talked to Ashley and her mom and they both said that it would be fine. I don't want to stay here!" I say and run out of the house.

Jacob is still here so I tell him to drive to Ashley's house as I jump into the bed of the truck. Jacob gets in and starts the truck. I hear my parents but he already started to drive away. Thankfully he drives straight to Ashley's and doesn't make any stops. I thank him and bring my stuff up to the door and knock.

"Hey kid! What's wrong?" Ashley says when she sees me.

"It's my parents." I say and let tears fall.

"Jacob get out of here and stay away from Chloe! She doesn't need you around anymore." Ashley says pulling me into her house and then grabs my bags.

"Now that he's gone and you're here. Tell me what happened." She demands.

I tell her the events that happened. Even the ones from New York. Once she's all caught up on everything she's missed she hugs me.

"Can we just put on our fuzzy pjs and watch sappy movies hole stuffing our faces?" I ask and Ashley nods laughing a little.

I that's how we spend the rest of the day. Talking, laughing, crying, relaxing, and just having fun. I'm glad I'm staying with her and not my parents. This might just be fun.

**Hey so a super short update but I'm not sure if she should visit her grandparents or if that would be boring. Please let me know. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always...




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