Chapter 19

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"Okay Drew, I'm ready." Tell him after we eat lunch.

"You sure?"

"As sure as I'll ever be." I say.

"Okay. I put the tests under the bathroom sink." I walk into the bathroom and take out the box.

I read the direction then proceed to take the test. I sit in the bathroom for a few minutes and wait for the results to appear. After what feels like forever, I look at the test and see two lines.


I take another, and another, and another until the box is empty. They all say one thing...


"Chloe! Open the door." I hear Drew say although it sounds like I'm underwater.

I get up an open the door then fall to the floor again. This can't be real. I can't be pregnant.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I'm-I'm pregnant. They all say pregnant. Why do they all have to say pregnant?" I can feel tears start to fill my eyes

"It'll be okay. We can get through this, okay? We love each other and that's all that matter's right?"

"Don't leave me. Please don't leave me. I can't do this without you. Drew I need you, now more than ever."

"I know babe. I'm not leaving. I'm going to stay with you no matter what. I love you so much. You couldn't get rid of even if you wanted to."

"What if I'm like my mother? What if I'm a horrible mom? Drew, I can't do this." The tears I was holding back finally fall down my cheeks.

"Yes you can. You're not your mother, I'll be here with you and we'll figure this out together. We may not be the best parents at first, but we'll learn and we'll be the best parents ever." Drew says wiping away the tears.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. We can get through this. Now let's go and get your mind off this for little bit."

"Yeah, okay." I say and the Drew helps me up.

He tells me to get dressed and then once I'm done he drags me out of the house. Turns out that he decided to take me to Central Park. We just walk around and talk. We stop to grab food or to look at something. I have to admit that I'm having fun and Drew did take my mind off things. This is why he's going to be way better at this parenting stuff than me. I'm just glad he's not going to abandon me.

***Sorry that this is a short chapter, but It started to get boring so I ended it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always....




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