Chapter 20

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It's been about six months since we found out I'm pregnant. Everything has been going well and my parents were mad but then were excited. I don't blame the for being mad, I mean I'm only 19. I haven't gone to college or done anything I wanted to do. Strangely I've been feeling home sick. It might be because of hormones or just that I made up with my parents but I at least want to visit my home town.

I also finally moved in with Drew. We thought that it made sense since we're having a baby and also wanted Aniya and Royal to get sleep at night. I've started to believe Drew that I won't suck at being  a mom. Th maternal instinct is already starting to kick in. Drew is annoyed to say the least.

"Where were you?" I ask Drew when he walks in the door.

"I was at work. Like I told you when I left the house." He says laughing to himself.

"Oh yeah."

"You need to relax babe. I'm fine. Just because I walk out the door doesn't mean I'll get hurt."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point."

"I know I do."

"Oh, I have to work tomorrow so try not to burn the building own or break anything. Also if you order out then make sure you don't spend too much money. Also-" He cuts me off before I can finish.

"I know what and what not to do. Stop worrying. It's not good for the baby."

"I love you."

"I love you, too. Now I'm going to take a shower. And I don't need any warnings. I've taken showers before." He adds the last part before I can even open my mouth.

"Well then." I say and sit down on the couch.

I pull out my phone and call my mom. I haven't talked to her in awhile and want to know how they've been.

"Hello?" I hear my mom say and I almost cry. Stupid hormones.

"Hey mom!"

"Oh hey sweetie! How are you?" She asks in that mom voice I've only recently come to know.

"I'm good. I miss you guys and I'm getting on Drew's nerves. All the hormones and the maternal instinct are really starting to show now."

"I'm sure they are. He'll have to get used to it. You're father did about the time you turned one. He about took my head off because of how much I nagged him."

"Well Drew sometimes just finds it funny. Other times he tells to leave him alone cause he's a grown man and can take care of himself."

"I'm sure he has said that."

"So anyway, how are you and Dad?"

"We're good. We wish you could come visit. You're Dad broke the car and is trying to fix it. It's been tough without you here. We miss you a ton."

"I really wish I could visit. It's just hard to take time off since we have to buy all the baby stuff and plus there will be the hospital bills, plus rent. I really wish that you and Dad were here. It feels like you're farther than ever."

"I know baby girl. Remember when I used to sing to you when you had a bad dream or couldn't sleep. And how I'd rub your back. I don't know what happened to me but I wish that you had a better childhood."

"I remember that. And my childhood was good. It was my teenage years that I started to notice all the bad stuff. I miss it when things were simple. So much is happening and it's overwhelming. Drew and I have been talking about possibly moving to a bigger apartment so there's more room for three. It feels like everything is falling apart yet falling into place at the same time. It also feels like I'm alone cause Drew is working a lot and when he isn't I am and you and Dad live so far away."

"It'll be okay baby. You'll get through this. Trust me it's hard at first but you'll learn and you'll get  better at this. Sing you're little girl or boy to sleep and rub their back. Remember what put you at ease. remember your comfort and you'l be okay."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too baby."

I hear Drew come out of the bathroom and go to get dressed.

"I should get going. Drew just got out of the shower and I haven't really seen him in awhile."

"Alright sweetie. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'll be fine mom."

"You sure? I could always fly out and come stay with you if you want."

"I'm sure. I'll call you soon okay?"

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too mom." I say and hang up.

"You okay Chloe?"

"Yeah it's just, I'm a little overwhelmed I guess. I feel like I'm going crazy and I've never felt so far from my hometown. And it feels like I'm all alone and like everything is falling apart. I'm scared of how my life is going and what it's become."

"We're going to be okay. Just think of all the things that help you calm down. Think of what puts your mind at ease. We can get through this I promise. I'll take more time off work and spend more time here. I'm sure Aniya and Royal will want to help out and would be glad to stay with you."

"Thanks Drew. I love you."

"I love you too babe."

*****I'm extremely sorry that's it's taken me so long to update. I've just been busy with school and every time I thought about updating I just didn't know what to do. Then I listened to that song and thought that it would be perfect to incorporate so that's what I did. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always.....




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