BONUS Chapter 3 (Drew's POV)

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"Hey Drew?" My cousin Royal says.

"What do you want now." I sigh.

"You know how my internet friend and two of her friends are coming to live here with me?"

"Yeah?" I hesitantly say.

"Could you be the best cousin ever and pick them up from the airport. I have to work."

"Fine but you owe me." I say.

"You're the best Drew!"

"Yeah yeah. What time do I have to go pick them up?"

"In a few hours. Probably about three or four hours. I gotta go. Oh and Drew, play nice."

"Don't I always?" I say as she walks out the door.


I'm standing in the airport where Royal told me to pick up her friends. I over hear three girls talking about how excited they are to be here.

"This is so exciting!" The girl with long black hair says.

"This is so cool." The brunette adds.

Their friend doesn't say anything. She so beautiful though. She has blond hair that goes just past her shoulders and amazing green eyes.

"Excuse me. You guys are friends of Royal's right?" I ask them.

"Yeah. She's the whole reason we're here." The first two girls say

"Good. I'm Drew Mckinnon." I say.

"I'm Chloe. Thes are my friends, Ashley and Aniya." The green eyed girl, Chloe, says.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Aniya says.

We contiune to wait for their bags and I notice Chloe staring at me I don't say anything though. I mean I really don't mind her looking at me. She's gorgeous and if I didn't care if I looked creepy I'd be staring at her too. Maybe pull an Augustus Waters. One things for sure I can't get that look in her eyes out of my head. She looked so broken and lonely. I just want to make her better.

"Chloe!" The brunette, Ashley, shouts snapping Chloe out of her haze.

"Whoa what?" She says coming back to reality.

"Stop drooling and let's go." Ashley says.

"Yeah I want to see where we're going to be living." Aniya cuts in.

"Shall we?" I ask and help them with their bags.

"Thanks Drew." Chloe say.

"No problem."

"So how do you know Royal?"

"She's my cousin. She also decide to move across from my apartment."

"Oh. Cool."

"So I'm guessing you and her met online."

"Yeah. She's helped me through a lot."


"Yeah. I'll just leave it at my parents probably don't even know it's my birthday."

"It's your birthday today?"


"Well happy birthday Chloe."

"Thanks." I say with a small smile.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Chloe look at me." I say but She doesn't.

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