Chapter 13

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The next few weeks pass by fairly fast. I visit my grandparents everyday and Ashley tells Jacob off whenever he comes around. I've been avoiding my parents as best I can. That brings us to today. Today starts out different than any other.

"Chloe? Your parents are here. They said it's important." Ashley says walking into the room.

I was about to go to the hospital. So the fact that my parents showed up instead of going straight there like they have been, freaks me out.

"What are you two doing here?" I say walking up to the door.

"It's about your grandfather. He pasted away last night in his sleep." Mom says.

"No! No he didn't! You're lying!" I yell at them tears filling my eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby girl." She says and hugs me. I don't push her away like I might have a few months ago.

"How's grandma? Can I see her?" I say tears staining my face.

"Of course. Grab your stuff and let's go." Dad says.

I do as I'm told and we then head to the hospital where my grandma is.

"Grandma?" I say walking in.

"Hello sweetie." She says with a sad smile. I run over to her and give her a hug.

"Oh, it's okay. He's in a better place now." She says. I know she's crying too because I could see the tears falling when I walked in.

"It just hurts. I miss him so much already." My voice comes out shaky and cracks at the end.

"I know honey. I miss him too. I loved your grandfather so much. I still do love him." She says and holds me tighter.

The rest of my family shows up and we start sharing some of our favorite stories of grandpa. We laugh and cry and everything in between. It starts to get late and we all head home. I promise grandma that I'll be back tomorrow and then my parents take me to Ashley's.

"Hey kid. How are you doing?"

"Horrible. My grandpa just died." I say and feel tears making their way into my eyes again.

"Want me to call Drew?"

"No. It's fine, I'll call him." I say.

Ashley smiles sadly at me and walks to her room. I walk to guess room and pull out my phone. I call Drew and by the time he picks up I'm sobbing.

"Baby what's wrong? What happened?" He says, concern etched in every comer of his voice.

"H-h-he's....d-d-dead." I'm crying uncontrollably at this point.

"Who? Whose dead babe?" He says still worried about me.

"M-my gr-grandpa. He d-died." Once I say that out loud I break down. He's really dead. He's never coming back.

"It's okay baby. Everything will be okay. Don't worry. I'll fly out first thing in the morning. Okay?"


"I love you baby."

"I l-love you t-too." I say and we hang up.

I end up spending the rest of the night crying my eyes out. Or at least until I fell asleep.


"Chlo. Chloe wake up babe." I hear a guy say. I slowly open my eyes and see Drew.

"Hey. What time is it?" I ask.

"Its 8 in the morning." He says.

"Oh shit! I have to get to the hospital! I promised my grandma that is visit her today." I say and rush to get ready.

"Calm down Chloe. She'll be alright."

"How do you know that! I thought that my grandfather would be okay and not he's dead! Don't you dare tell me she'll be okay unless you know for a fact that she will be!" I shout at him while pulling on my pants and shirt.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I know I can't promise you anything. I didn't know your grandfather but I'm sure he was a great man. I'd love to meet your family if that's okay with you. I know you're going through a lot." He says and hugs me.

I collapse into his arms and break down again. He calms me down after about ten minutes. I brush my hair, grab my phone and head to the front door with Drew behind me.

"Get out of here Jacob! She doesn't need you here!" I hear Ashley yell.

"I thought he wouldn't bother you?" Drew whispers to me.

"He hasn't been able to get close enough to me to bother me." I say and we walk to the door.

"Chloe. Please tell Ashley to let me in." Jacob says once he sees me.

"Why? I don't need you here. I have Drew and my family and Ashley. I don't need someone who cheated on me and made me feel like shit to be here." I say. I push past Ashley and Jacob trying to get to my car.

"Chlo please. I just wanted to see if you were okay. I heard about your grandpa." He says grabbing my wrist.

"Get off of me!" I yell trying to pull my arm free.

All of a sudden Drew rips Jacob off of me and punches him. Drew then brings me to the car and we get in. Since he doesn't know where the hospital is I drive.

"Thanks. For everything." I say after awhile of silence.

"Of course."

We stay quiet and pull up to the hospital about ten minutes later. We get out and walk in. I take him to my grandmas room and walk in after knocking.

"Hey grandma. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend." I say walking to her bed.

"Hello. I'm Drew." He says and hold out his hand.

"Oh no. Give me a hug. If your dating my granddaughter you must know we hug in the family." she says. She looks paler than yesterday.

We talk for awhile and then grandma says she's tired so we leave. This goes on for about a month. Grandma insisted on being there for Grandpas funeral so we haven't had it yet.

Then the day that I dreaded came. Grandma didn't wake up when I walked into her room like she always does.

"No. Grandma wake up. Wake up!" I say shaking her while tears run down my face.

My parents and Drew are with me. Mom turns and buries her face in dads chest and Drew pulls me off of my grandma. I collapse into his arms crying.

*** If you didn't cry you're heartless! I cried just writing this! Anyway. I thought that instead of having every visit I'd just tell you the important ones. By the way, my grandparents on both sides are still alive. So imagining them dying is really hard. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always......




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