Chapter 11

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"What do you mean?" Drew yells.

"I mean I have to go!" I say back.

"You can't go."

"And why not? It's not like I'll be gone forever. I just have to go see my grandparents. They're not doing to well."

So to catch you up. I got a call today saying that my grandpa had to go to the hospital again and my grandma go sick. So basically I have to pack up some things and go to Colorado again. Trust me I wouldn't go if I wasn't so close to my grandparents.

"Let me come with you."

"You have to work. I don't want the guys to be down two people for an unknown amount of time."

"Wait. You don't know when you're going to be back?"

"Well it's not like I want to leave while they're still in bad shape. And if, God forbid, they died. I'm going to stay for the funeral."

"Is your ex going to be there."

"Probably." I see he tenses at that.

"I'm going with you."

"No you're not. You're going to stay here and in going to text and call and FaceTime you everyday. Don't worry about Jacob. I sure as hell will never go back to him. Besides, Ashley's there and I know she won't let him get within 600 feet of me." I see he relaxes slightly.

"I'm just going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too. Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I'll tell you if I think you need to come."

"Alright, fine. I give. You can go and I'll stay in boring old New York."

"No you'll stay in fun exciting New York while I go to boring small town Colorado."

"True enough. Alright. Let's go get you packed and ready to go."

"Wow. Now you want me gone."

"You know what I mean."

I don't say anything and we go to my room and pack enough stuff for about two months. If I need to I can always wash my clothes. We mess around and Drew definitely makes packing more fun.

After about an hour or two of packing we finish and go watch Netflix at his place. I have to leave tomorrow morning so I told him we would hang out tonight. We watch Patch Adams and we laugh and cry and laugh again. We also have been cuddling the whole movie.

I tell Drew I'm going to his room to put on pjs and he lets me get up. I walk into his room only to realize that my pajamas are packed. I do the first thing I think of. I go into his closet and take out a plaid button up shirt and up that on. I'm only wearing his shirt, my bra and underwear.

Drew walks in the room wear an undershirt and jeans. He picks me up flops is onto his bed. Ed kiss for a little bit and I flip over on top of him and smile down.

"You look so hot in my clothes." He whispers.

"I know I do." I say and go back to kissing him. After awhile longer of us making out we fall asleep.

I wake up and see that I have like two hours before my flight so I have like half an hour to get ready. It's a thirty minute drive and I have to get there early so I can get through security and make sure they don't give away my seat. I look up at drew and see his sleeping face. I reach up and kiss him. A kiss that he happily returns.

"Morning." He says in his sexy morning voice.


"Wanna get something to eat before you leave?"

"I can't. I have to grab something on the way or in the airport. I only have half an hour before I have to head to the airport."

"I'll take you. I don't want you to go alone. Plus, it'll give me som more time with you." I smile at him and after a quick kiss I go to get ready.

I get ready in twenty minutes and Drew and I decided it would be a good idea to leave earlier just in case traffic is bad. We grab some coffee and donuts on the way and I make it exactly an hour before my flight leaves. I say bye to Drew and make my way through security.

I can't believe I'm going back to my hometown. I swore I would never return but I also didn't think about my grandparents. I really don't want anything to happen to them.

***just a quick filler chapter. It also helps so the start can continue. Oh yeah. Sorry it took awhile to update. My computer is still broken and I was just out of town for a few days with no signal. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always....




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