Chapter 7

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I wake up in Drew's arms. It's one of the best feelings in the world. I wish that I could wake up like this every..... No! Stop! You're fine on your own. If you make your home in someone's arms it could be taken away, so always be your own home.

God, I annoy myself. I want to be with Drew but I also want to be alone. I don't know what to do. I did go to him when things got bad. I just don't know.

"You okay?" Drew asks snapped no me back to reality.

"Yeah wait what?" I say out of instinct. I know, my instincts suck.

"You have no idea what I just said do you?" Drew asks with the cutest smile on his face.

"No I don't. I'm sorry I just got caught up in my mind I guess."

"With what?"

"It's nothing don't worry about it."

We talk for a little bit then head off to work. It's a pretty relaxed day over all and the week continues like that until they show up.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" I ask staring at them in disbelief.

"Can't we visit our little girl?" Dad asks.

"Not when you've ignored me for my whole life. How did you even know where to find me?" Although I'm pretty sure that Jacob told them.

"That sweet boy you always hung out with told us. Jacob I think is his name." My mom says.

"First of all I used to date him. Second of all he cheated on me is the opposite of sweet. Third he had no right to tell you where I was. And fourth of all I never wanted you to find me." I all but scream at them.

"That's it young lady. You're going home with us right now!" My dad yells at me.

What just happened?

***okay so it's been awhile. I'm so sorry. I forgot then just didn't know what should happen. I'll try and update soon though. Hope you enjoyed this incredibly short chapter. As Always...




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