Chapter 21

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"Drew I have to go to work."

"Okay have fun."

"There's leftovers in the fridge. You can just hear those up in the microwave if you get hungry. Also can you do some laundry? I'm starting to run out of clean clothes. Remember to just fill the lid about 3/4 of the way and keep the water on warm/cold. Oh and I-" I say but I'm interrupted by Drew.

"I know Chloe. I can take care of myself. I'll be fine. Now go before you're late!"

"Alright! I'm going I'm going!" I hold my hands up in surrender. 

I grab my purse and walk out the door.  I walk don the street to the subway and get on. It takes about 10 minutes to get to B.O.R.N. Once I do get there and walk in I'm bombarded with hugs.

"Hey! How are you and the baby?" Terry asks.

"We're both good. Everything is going perfectly, no complications. Drew does get annoyed with me sometimes though."

"And why would that be?"

"The whole maternal instinct thing. I kind of go all mom on him."

"Well of course you do!" Terry says laughing.

We talk a little longer then finally start working. I love this job, we basically just hang out and mess around. The time always goes by way too fast and sure enough my shift is over and I'm headed home. 

"Drew I'm home!" I yell once I walk in the door.

"In here!" He yells back.

I walk into our room and see him putting clothes away.

"Wow you actually did what I asked you to."

"Well it as either that or get yelled at. I decided that you scare me so I better do what you say."

"Good choice, babe."

I help him finish putting the clothes away and then we go and watch t.v. We settle on Kill Bill Vol. 1 and are about half way through when there's a knock at the door. Drew just looks at me expectantly. Ad he wonders why I treat him like a kid. Anyway, I get up and walk to the door.

"Hello?" I say seeing a boy my age and weirdly like me.

"Are you Chloe Pierce?" The boy asks.

"Yeah. Do I know you?"

"I'm Daniel. You're brother."


"Chloe who is it?" I hear Drew ask.

"Daniel, my brother."

"You have a brother?" Drew asks walking up behind me.

"Apparently." I guess you could say I'm in shock.

"You didn't know?" Daniel asks.

"No I didn't. I guess mom and dad forgot to mention it between fighting and ignoring me for most of my life."

"Would it be too soon to tell you we're twins?"

"I think you have the wrong person." I say.

"No I don't. You're from a small town in Colorado and then moved here." He says. 

"Are you stalking me?" I ask scared.

"What? No! Of course not. Mom and Dad put me up for adoption because they only wanted a girl. I got adopted fairly easily and then my adoptive parents helped me find you and Mom and Dad."

"Okay. I think we should just call your parents then. Sound like a plan Chlo?" Drew says.

"Yeah sure I guess."

"Come on in, Daniel." Drew says and we walk to the couch as I call mom.

"Hello?" She says once she answers.

"Mom, do I have a twin brother?"

****Hey! So I'm getting better at updating! Oh and yes that just happened. What do you think her mom will say? Guess you'll have to wait to find out. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always.....




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