Chapter 26

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It's been three months since Drew and I got in a fight. Yes, I'm nine months pregnant and couldn't be more ready for this thing to get out of me. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to be a mom, but this kid won't stop kicking me. I also would like to be able to put on my own shoes and see me feet. Drew is beyond excited and equally stressed. The baby is due any day now and he won't leave me alone.

Anyway, it's two days till the due date and I'm just sitting on the couch when I get a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Drew!" I yell.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asks panicked.

"I think the baby's coming."

"Oh shit!"

About ten minutes later I have another. Then it's eight minuets apart, then six, then five, then my water breaks. Of course by ow we're in the car and almost to the hospital. Drew is driving as fast as he can and I'm griping the arm rest like my life depends on it. God I just want this thing out of me.

"Get this thing out of me!" I yell.

"Hold on baby we're almost there."

"Drive faster, God my grandma drove faster than you!"

"I love you, too."

After about five minutes we get there and Drew rushes me in.

"She's having a baby, like right now!" Drew rushes to the receptionist.

The lady yells some stuff and I'm being rolled away in a wheelchair. They time how far apart my contractions are and see how dilated I am. This is gong to be a long day.


"It's a boy." The doctor says.

I look u at Drew and see he's already looking at me. "We did it."

It takes a few minutes before I can hold my baby but when I do, I almost cry.

"Hey baby, I'm your mommy and I love you so so much." I say to him.

"What should we name him?" Drew asks.

"Parker John McKinnon."


A nurse comes in and asks for his name, and all the normal stuff. I'm told I have to stay in the hospital for a few days along with the baby to make sure that everything checks out.

"You did it, Chloe." Drew says.

"No, we did it. I couldn't have done this without you. Oh and Drew go home and shower. You smell. While you're at it, could you do the dishes and laundry, oh and ask Royal for anything that you need help with like cooking." I rattle off a bunch of stuff for him to do.

"I see the maternal instincts didn't leave." He jokes.

"Ha ha. Very funny, now just do what I say or no video games for a week." I threaten.

"Okay okay, I'm going. Calm down please. I love you!" He rushes out and practically runs out of the room in fear.

I look down at Parker and smile. He's my child. I have a kid! God I hope I'm a good mom. I've been told I will be but how does anyone know for sure? I guess Drew is scared to be dad cause he doesn't know if he'll be good or not. We'll figure it out, I think. I mean, if there's one thing I learned, it's never underestimate yourself and others. I'll just have to see where this whole thing take me.

"Hey, Chloe. It's me Daniel." My brother says poking his head in the room.

"Come on in. We don't bite." I say motioning for him to enter.

"Man, this is my nephew." He says to himself.

"Do you want to hold him?" I ask.

"Can I?" I nod and hand Parker to Daniel.

"His name's Parker. Parker John McKinnon." I tell him.

"Hey, Parker. I'm your Uncle Daniel." He whispers. I see Parker move his thumb in his mouth causing me to chuckle.

"Alright, here's the kid, I don't wanna drop him." Daniel states.

"You won't drop him. You were doing just fine. " I tell him accepting my baby back into my arms.

"You have a kid. God, I've known you for what, a few months now and you already got a kid. I though that we had to do a bunch of sibling twin shi- stuff before either of us could have kids." He jokes along with stopping himself for swearing which I appreciate.

"You met me when I was pregnant. Don't pull that card now. And either way, it's our parents fault that we never knew each other. "

"True true. Anyway, Drew didn't want you to be alone and he saw me walking in, so I was told not to leave your side." Damn you Drew.

"What if I have to go to the bathroom. I'm not comfortable with you watching me pee." I joke.

"That's the one exception. You can use the bathroom and change on your own."

"Okay good." After all that's out of the way, we talk and learn about each other. We did this a little here and there but not too much. Not enough to feel like we've known each other our whole lives.

****Hey, so I know that this is really overdue and short but I've been busy with school and personal stuff so I'm really sorry. I'm also writing another book (in a notebook) and I'm really excited about it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always....




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