Chapter 6

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It's been about a week since I fell asleep at Drew's. I haven't talked to Ashley, Aniya, or even Royal in awhile since we're all pretty busy between work and our new found social lifes. I haven't heard anything from my parents. I didn't expect to, but I guess part of me was hoping that they noticed I left. Jacob might have told them though. That's another person I haven't heard from. Weird, I've really only talk to the B.O.R.N guys and Drew. That doesn't sound right. Is this what happens when you get in a relationship? You just stop talking to your friends and basically anyone but you partner and co-workers. I really don't like that. We need a girls night. Fast.

"Hey! Long time no see!" Ashley says as I walk in our place.

"Yeah, too long. So long in fact, that I thought we could have a girls night?" I offer.

"Hell yeah!" Ashley exclaims.

"Hey kid. What's going on?" Aniya asks walking in.

"Girls night. That's what." Ashley says.

"I'm in." Aniya replies instantly

"What's this about a girls night?" Royal says joining us in the front room.

"Nothing. Just that we're having one tonight." I say.

They all start talking about what we're going to do and what their going to wear. I, on the other hand, am going with the classic black skinny jeans, white crop top that hangs off one shoulder, black Vans, and small purse. I of course put money, my phone, and ID in the purse. I put on a little make-up and curl my hair. I walk out and they stop talking and stare at me.

"What?" I ask looking at my clothes.

"You look great!" Royal says and trys to give me a hug but, like always, I push her away.

As they all go to change, I watch videos of my favorite band. 5 Seconds Of Summer. Sometimes it's hard to remember that they're real people. That they go through the same shit we do. It feels unreal in a way. I wish I could meet them just to tell them how mush they mean to me. Sadly, they'll never know I exsit, and I'll never meet them. I can't think of that though. I have to focus on the girls night that is about to happen. I have to live in the moment. Easier said than done.

"You okay?" Ashley asks walking out of her room.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I say and stand up off the couch.

"About what?"

"Just everything. Don't worry, I'm fine. For once, everything is pefect." I say and the others join us.

We go clubbing and of course use fake IDs to get in. After what doesn't seem long enough, we head back clearly tipsy. As we enter the building we shush each other and laugh. We stumble to our apartment faster than expected. Ashley and Aniya fall onto one of the couchs and Royal on the other. I loo at the time and see that it's two in the morning. I stumble out the door again an dhead over to Drew's. I knock on the door and then lean against the wall. I push myself off the wall when I hear him open the door.

"Hey Chlo. Are you drunk?!?" He asks worried.

"Of course I'm not drunk silly." I reply, my words slurring and I stumble a little.

"Yes you are. Chloe you're only 18." He says helping me over to his couch.

"You have pretty eyes." I say laughing.

"You stay here and I'll be right back with some water." He says leaving me on the couch.

"Here, drink this." He says handing me a glass of water.

"I don't wanna." I pout.

"Drink. The. Water." He says shoving the glass into my hand.

"Fine." I huff and down the glass.

"Good. Now, where did you get drunk?"

"I don't know. We went to like, a gillion clubs." I say making big arm movements.

"We?" He presses.

"Me, Ashley, Aniya, and Royal." I say nodding my head.

"Royal was with you? You guys are under age. How did you even get in?"

"Too many questions. But to answer, yes and fake ID's."

"Fake ID's?!?!?"

"Yeah. I've done this before."


"What. It's no big deal. Damn, I didn't come here to get lectured. Don't pretend like you've never done this." I say sobering up.

"Well yeah, but that's not the point. I stopped because I knew it was too risky. Chloe you have to stop."

"Stop what? Drinking! I was having fun with my friends the when we got home, they crashed. I thought I would come over to my boyfriends place and hang out. If I wanted to get lectured, I would have gone to live with parents who give a shit." I yell.

"I'm worried! I'm sorry if I don't like that my girlfriends comes over to my place and can barely stand! Yeah I'm lecturing you!" He yells back.

"I don't need you to yell me and tell me how stupid I am! I already know I'm idot! My parents knew it! Everybody did! It didn't matter that I was on the honor role or even in all honor classes! It doesn't even matter that I was offered a full academic scholarship to NYU! Because no matter what I'm nothing but an idot! Isn't that right Drew!?!?!" I yell with tears sreaming down my face. Drew just stops, walks over and hugs me.I wrap my arms around his neck and just cry.

"You're not stupid. Chloe, you just messed up. You're talented, smart, beautiful, funny, and strong. If you want to go to NYU, I could help you get in. I know the Dean. Summer's almost over, but I'm sure I could pull some strings. Do you want me to?" Drew whispers in my ear.

"Yeah. I'd love that. Thank you."

"Consider it done."

"Your the best." I whisper.

"Let's get you to bed. You can barrow one of my shirts agian."

"You really are the best. I don't deserve this, or you for that matter."

"Don't ever say that again. Ever, you're amazing, and if you think for even  second that you don't deserve me, you're dead wrong. I don't desever you."

"That's not true, you're perfect. I'm some small town girl who has nothing going for her."

"I'm not lying, you are. Here you go." He says tossing me one of his shirts.

"Thanks. And I'm not lying. You really are Mr. Perfect. I'm just Miss. Nobody." I say changing into his shirt.

"I'm not perfect and you're not a nobody."

"Yes I am. In comparason, you're perfect and I'm some wanna be artist from a town in Colorado who no one has ever heard of, who also happens to be dating the boy who knows the Dean of the college she's going to. Oh yeah, and she's a broken, heartbroken girl who no one'll ever love." I say walking over and sitting on the bed.

"Again you're lying. You're not broken, you're hurt. You're not a wanna be artist because you are going to make it in that area.You're heartbroken, yes, but that'll pass in time. I can't help that you're from a town no one knows about. I can help you pick up the pieces if you really are broken."

"I lo-" I start but stop. I almost said it. I almost said I love you.

"Me too." He says and kisses me.

****Hey so it hasn't been too long. I was on spring break and had some time. If you're reading my story Surviving the O'Neal boys, then I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I'm kind of stuck and trying to figure out how to continue it. As for this story, I really hope you have been enjoying it. I'll try to update soon, but it may be a few weeks. As Always....




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